what have you heard?

you have most likely heard nothing from me, here, in a few days or so. life has taken me up in a mild storm of really not knowing what or if to write, not feeling all that pressure to come up with something to offer or compromise. i have been enjoying many things outside of the world wide web. things like, rushing like a mad woman to clean my tree house apartment for a clothesline show meeting. many of you say, that it takes a deadline for you to be motivated to do anything, something, forward motion. i too must admit that when it comes to cleaning i am motivated by a deadline.

this past monday was just that. i actually came around to organizing, vacuuming, and trashing a whole heck of a lot of useless stuff. i am still proud of myself for going through my million magazine mound and getting rid of my domino's and home companion's. don't worry, i did not throw them away, i took them down to the public laundry in my apt. building. i have to be honest though, i haven't liked domino very much at all. i feel a little sheepish about expressing my opinion, but i really haven't felt that strongly about a magazine before. except for all the internet rave i thought i'd be racking up on inspiration. when i started a subscription last year i was terribly horribly disappointed. the layout is so cluttered, it reminds me of page after page of advertisement. call me spoiled but one of the best magazines in the world in my mind continues to be martha stewart's living. i can't help it. domino demands a very high level of attention because it's creators seem to have some form of attention deficit. i can hardly tell when i have come to the end of an article or segment and gone on to the next. usually the design ideas are too shabby chic for me and don't seem relevant or contemporary enough. i must say my most favorite part of the book is the color coordinate tabs at the beginning of every single issue. they are so cool, i almost always tear them out to save them for other fav mags or books. i'm i crazy?
the clothesline meeting went super well. but i have to ask the public-readers-YOU GUYS, for help. we are looking for a company, preferably local, that can create and print tiny 1-2 inch radius circle stickers with artists names on them. we thought there was a place down on frazier past pisa pizza and standard ink but cannot find it? please help:just leave a comment!!!

i like many of you have a super busy summer and will be heading out in less than a week to gulf shores for my annual office beach trip. i'll be gone most of next week. after that i will only have about four weeks to complete several, close to 5 pieces of art for the clothesline show. the newest pieces i have been working on for weeks now, isn't even finished and honestly i'd rather it hang at fitness together. so four pieces here i come. it's crunch time.

plus there is tennis and biking, new tires, packing, working at the old rx, and family:friend time to think about and do as well.

week in color:orange.pink.red

as you've probably noticed, i am nearly never near phantomcrimes on the weekend. so i am wrapping up a great week in color, today. its been exciting to see everyone's week in color efforts. andrea has got color down wouldn't you say. i love how her view of color is a balance between family life, still life, urban life, past, present and future. she's building upon all of these fantastic life experiences and it's a joy to be thankful for color with her. in the same way, hannah has honed in on a week in color shoe theme. it's unique and experimental and special too. i'm wondering what her red and orange and pink days will be like, more shoes in those colors?

then there's kate and her spur of the moment, spontaneous, catchup participation. i'm totally impressed and am still in love with her day with the koi foto set.

exciting too is linda's contribution!!! i love her color chosen photos. they are yet another gift. little reminders of beauty. a celebration of her family and the color surrounding her on a daily basis.

last but not least, i think joy has brought her scraping full circle with her week in color. again it's about family and how she and her children are represented in color, paper color and more and more photo color.

i suppose if you've been participating and i've missed you here, you ought to let me know or someone know, so that we can love on your week in color with you.

and i've been painting, of course i've got a whole lot more to accomplish, but at least i picked up a paint brush. i also sprung and got a couple of these, anyone want to join in the racketeering?
have a great weekend everyone, i'm outta the blogworld until next week.peace.

week in color:black&white

there is a first time for everything so i thought it might be fun to do a black & white apparel post. why the heck not? afterall aren't we in the throws of summer and isn't a classic sizzling hot fashion guru always going to suggest a little b&w. plus i must say i haven't quite gotten over an inwardly giddy feeling from yet another clothes shopping success! my mother must be the good luck charm or is it the bike rides? whichever, honestly, every single article of clothing i pulled from the racks, when tried on fit me perfectly. it was the second time in my adult life that i actually had some kind of choice. i suppose it wouldn't be that big of a deal except that i am under five feet tall. in recent years i was kind of round or plump or chubby. two or three years of really cutting out the meat and diary and exercising as much as possible has proved the diet scientists right and that i can once again fit into really nice affordable, well made, smaller sized clothing. ooo, do miracles happen or what?

apparel inspiration:have fun browsing the black and white:

the dunny patterned bag

terror of the sea necklace @ day-lab


ping pong vader shirt @ oddica

Grey Barcode Large Flat

damselfly tank @ anthropologie

last but not least the essential: Rodeo Gingham Side Tab Shorts

have a great black and white sort of day.

week in color:green

i know that green is my all time second favorite color in the whole world behind blue or turq or teal. and then in order it would go blue. green.orange.grey.red.yellow.black.brown. that's more than the week of color has to offer, which is fine, just an all together a side.
speaking of green, with hesitant honesty i must say i haven't as of late, taken on any envirogreen task, duty, obligation or responsibility. it is with regret i say i don't recycle the plastic water bottles collected in my fridge, though i will will will begin refiling them at my local green grocery store instead of buying more plastic.

and i have been attempting to bag less when checking out customers at the rx. i mean, if you've got one box of tylenol, why put it in a bag? i am now proactivally asking every customer if they'd "really" like a bag or not. i think that's genius. and well um, i attempted to plant some flower seeds in my mom's back patch but with the lack of rain, they've never sprouted. i am not really so sure how much i am saving energy wise. i know one thing, i'm not exactly pro ethenol either. sure it's better for the environment, at least that's what "they" are saying but my understanding is that our farm lands are already on the brink of destruction or at the point of no return or recovery, so what's the point of growing more hormone injected, hybrid, disease resistant, draught resistant corn? doesn't it take it's toll on the soil?

i can talk about what my brother ethan is doing in his green building efforts. i can talk about wanting a green home or a green car but i don't see my thoughts as true efforts and therefore wouldn't call myself indeed a green. i am a little green when it comes to recycling paper for collage and recycling canvas for painting, but that's about that.

i guess i could start making my own gum with a $10 purchase @ gleegum.

or maybe an expensive purchase like this would help.

i especially like this post about this artist making really triple R things {recycle.reduce.reuse}!!!

maybe one day, after biking 12 miles a day, for a couple more months or years i'll sell my car and buy one of these.

tonight i'm hoping to get some tennis rackets, wimbledon was inspiring this year.