weak in color:blue

keeping up with andrea's week in color here. thank you acj!!! although i have my own "twisted" version, only because i am "weak" over color anyway and i'm all about another venture in week in color. last night matt and i went biking and to my bewillied amazement we came upon a very very large blackish sort of snake on the concrete path. this time i passed so quickly by that it didn't even occur to me that it was a snake at all. it was! and it was a huge one at that, probably about 3 or 4 feet long. i don't know that i am terrified of snakes exactly, i just get this little gagging sensation in the back of my mouth and start imagining it eating a baby rabbit or bullfrog or something small. oh and then i had thoughts of accidentally running over it and it popping up and biting my ankle. anyway, matt took a branch and scurried it off into the grassy wooded area. so glad we don't see snakes every bike ride or else i'd end up heaving.

i think i participated in a couple of weeks of color, last year in june, if you're interested go and check it all out again. have fun and you should join in! and if you're up to it you might and try and guess where, what and to whom my blue today is about.

i on u:carbon:asian

yesterday felt like saturday, today feels like monday. with two mondays in a week, this morning felt like a little bit of a nightmare. ever so thankful to have yesterday, the fourth off from just about everything, other than biking and family. i made an asian slaw, i suppose my poppop would roll in his little grave, afterall, he was the king of slaw. but heck someone's gotta revamp, refresh, rock the slaw boat a bit. and boy o boy was it a hit or what? so i am going to do something that i never do, or have hardly ever done and that is give a fantastic alternative rock the asian slaw {easiest ever} recipe!!!


2 packages of 3 ounce raman noodles (beef flavored is suggested but i'm a non meat eater person and found the oriental flavored to be just as "kosher.")
2 packages of (pre)shredded slaw (multicolored) mix
1 bunch of green onions chopped
1 cup of toasted almond slivers
400 degrees until they crisp & brown
1 cup of salted sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sugar (or splenda)
1/3 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup vegatable oil

EASY DIRECTIONS: in a fairly large bowl; before opening both packages of raman, crush noodles into small pieces, remove seasoning packets. dump dry noodles into the bottom of large bowl. dump both packages of shredded slaw mix on top of the noodles. chop entire bunch of green onion and dump on top of slaw mix. meanwhile toast almonds in oven at 400 degrees until golden brown or crispy. dump almonds on to the green onions and then the sunflower seeds on to the almonds (keep it layered, do not mix ingredients together)

mix the sugar, white vinegar, vegatable oil and two seasoning packets together in small bowl. wisk well until blended. pour directly all over the salad, right over everything. do not mix. cover with saran wrap and refridgerate for 24 hours or at least over night. stir up once ready to serve and eat.

so how does that sound? yummy or what?
have a nice day. hopefully i'll have new stuff to share by tomorrow or monday. take care and have a good weekend. btw. thank you for the "quit now" encouragement. i really think i'll have to set a date and stick to it. i'd rather not have to take drugs inorder to quit another drug addiction but i feel super weak at trying to quit smoking. i feel like the odds are against me. plus i like to smoke at home "alone" while watching nightline or david letterman. if i attempt a nine mile run on saturday and feel the lungs are about to explode i might be more willing or desperate to quit. right now i'm just walking the fence on this very serious issue.

okay bye now.

seasonally sore:{sunburnt}

every morning without fail a strong cup of coffee with a foamy splash of soy, quietly wakes me up and makes the rest of my day, seriously possible. i often wonder if in order to quit my tobacco addiction, i might also have to give up on my morning cup of joe and soy. as it is now, i'm on the brink of setting a quit now date but i'm scared to death of failing, this seemingly unsurmountable obstacle.

turning over a new leaf: another unsurmountable obstacle i have learned to face and overcome more recently has been the purchase of shorts. two pair of shorts, as in a sporty pair of pale blue grey and irishy green, to bike or run in. i was growing sick of my personal embarrassment, the dreaded milky white skin tone of my legs. ever so pissed off by wearing jeans though i decided to magically disappear the white with a miraculous application of a self tanning product. i can't remember the last time i wore a pair of shorts in public, it's mean skirt style for several years now has finally taken it's toll. i am thrilled beyond belief at this new part of me i can feel comfortable exposing to the world. ahh! r.e.l.i.e.f.

on saturday i spent a portion of my day poolside and sun soaking. my office manager opened her home and pool to us office girls, a pre-beach pool party. it was so-so nice to be outside in the sun, but i certainately fooled myself into thinking that i wasn't getting burnt, self tanning has it's flaws, i fell into denial. heck last year i was going to the tanning bed and i never once felt or got burnt. i do believe, though not scientifically, that a base burn is necessary. after all the sandy gulf sunburn so far away from home isn't all that pleasant. and it's four days of beach in three weeks that i am preparing my milky white for.
gosh but saturday evening as i zombied into the pharmacy i thought i was going to passout. fortunately i made and happily felt warmed and frozen in my sunburnt state.

sunday was a workday again and afterward a family time at the parentals, as it poured buckets of rain upon our part of the little earth. sunday night i actually took a bike ride, more casual, to check out parts of the passage at night. it was a rather less productive weekend but one of growing peace. i have a pile of things to accomplish. procrastination has me by the ankles, or should i say by the throat. i've got a list and slowly but surely i'll be marking things off, and updating. packages, swaps, artwork, clothesline, laundry, bathroom cleaning, and vaccuming, asian slaw for the fourth, and so much more. hope you all are keeping up and blessings are indeed flowing throw this summer season. peaceandlove.

mighty jungle:oh boy(s)

all i could think about this morning was of my three little nephews {caleb not pictured as of yet, in order to protect him and my family in the adoption process}. they are the very best, most incredible little boys, i could possibly imagine. best of all, and from what i hear, when they're put in their boppies on the couch, they're mesmerized by of all things:one growth!
it must be the contrast, would you say?
i was also thinking about having a friday night like tonight off. mulling over the what to do's or what not to do's. it is simple, after work, i'll try and take a twenty six minute nap.
walk? bike? eat-blueberries? i'd like to buy some shorts. this is the first summer i can remember that i actually feel like i might be able to wear shorts. i have been wearing skirts in the summer, you know. and this summer i wish i could find some shorts for short people like myself, some khaki or brown or grey shorts, oh grey would be nice and not too long, not to short shorts. i don't need to show anything off, at least not yet, possibly never. but something i could run in or something i could casually walk in, nothing tappered, i don't think A-line would work either. oh i'm in a quandry, what to do?
i wonder what sam and liam and caleb will want to be when they grow up. or for instance what will josiah k. be? he has grown to have such a vivid imagination, i can't imagine what he'll be like when he's twenty or even thirty. yippers! anyway, i'm a little off, i mean it is friday and i'm distracted. what can i say.