were you sure? & pixel

for the first time in a really long time, i spoke with kate on the phone. i was at home last night after work, feeling completely blah, really very horrible about the whole smoking thing, especially having kept it a secret and lying about it to matt. i have a real problem in my dependence of cigarettes. i have not felt like carrying the burden of quitting, meaning i haven't completely quit, just cut back. which is not good enough. but i must and i will and i have to. that's the end of that. my apologizes for lying. i hate hurting the people that love me the most, by keeping such a stupid, idiotic thing a secret.

kate on the other hand was oh so very busy steeped in a productive night home alone. i'd say we chatted it up for close to two hours i think. i felt so much better after talking with her. we talked mostly "art", but also touched on her recent and very exciting coversations with andrea, my new "vegan" eating-style, and smoking. i think it really helped me to be able to thin the air and verbally express myself to kate. we'd been emailing for so long that i could feel the air growing thicker by the techimins. i was excited by all of her new arty venturings, seem to lift my spirits. and i was really happy to know that all of this time she's had a few more images (scanned) of mine on her flickr account. so i've snuck them back and hopefully they'll get a little bit more wiretime. the above entitled "elephant puzzled" or "elephant pieced" mixed media-acrylic on canvas. i sold the original to jen and she has it in her safe keeping, but i had a nice little print made and i sold it at mjb last month. woohoo! i will be making more cards and prints in the future. so far my most popular but at this point pixel piece ever! i have done several in it's likeness-birds/bicycles.

here's another one

again these images have been scanned and transferred several times, giving them a pixeled look-uck! but heck at least they're here where you can see them. this was the first painting i did after my housefire in 2002. it actually no longer exists, i covered it up with an ncf mission poster project that i did, which is now hanging in the library/conference room over there. i think it's an obvious house on fire. the middle part is painted in gold which you won't aren't able to see from this pic. but i so love these colors and could really see myself doing a painting like this again one day.

the next one is " i work so hard." this piece really has meaning insofaras i drew the face and bird mobile above it. i drew the bird on the left and it all means that often we work so hard for the moolah and often feel hit over our heads with a blunt object after which cartoon birds flutter above.

that's about it. i know i'd usually do a no waste wednesday. i actually think someone else should pick it up. i mean there are other bloggers who post links all of the time and don't have a reason, but wednesday's can be their reason. and if i were cool and collected i could corner a button/link to all the no waste wednesday links. maybe when the fat lady sings.

i also thought i'd see if you knew what yesterday's post title meant. i have been loving the thesaurus lately and wanted to post about having been gone on "break" so long. so i put break in and whalah! i get that word. kindof reminded me of the word seizure. something real medical.

i don't have to say this i'm sure but if you are interested in any of this work or work like it, please let me know. i'm able to do cards and look a likes. and of course your friendly, positive comments are surely welcome. tin foil can make or break a really great collage. see left< after this piece was made into cards i went back and did colored dots all over it. it's so much better looking now...i'm tired.