one small caesura

not too terribly long ago my little sister went on a school trip to japan. she was entirely too generous and brought the whole family some wonderful little things. before leaving she asked me what i'd be interested in having. i being a paper fiend(er), told her of course! of course! ORIGAMI. i also mentioned chopsticks, stickers and fun stuff of the sort. i was thrilled to see these as she presented them to me. they are the most perfect chopsticks ever. and if it were love thursdays, they'd be on the list for sure. it's too bad i don't know how to make a avocado roll or two.

i was away from blogging and haven't got a whole lot to mention. i ended up having a fairly nice week and holiday weekend. this was the first year that i attempted to do my taxes on my own and ended up needing my father's help anyway. i am going to have to adjust my w-four(s). i don't feel as smart as i would like to be about the whole income tax thing. on saturday i finally went to get my hair cut n colored for the summer or at least until uoha's annual gulf shore's trip. i'll have to take pictures, just to show off my adventurous hair spirit. as a teenager i always wanted to dye my hair bright colors and never really had the balls to do so. once i went to little five in atlanta and bought a bottle of electric blue dye. at the time i had no thought or desire to bleach my hair out first, so for a few months my hair held a hazy lazy blue tint in it. now that i think back, it was sort of gross. lately the whole being a girl thing has led me to this extreme experimenting. i've got the red and carmel highlights to prove that youth is still at the core of my being and that i too can maintain a unique style all my own. i still don't really desire to stand out in a crowd, never my intention. but now that i'm thirty and all the insecurities have slipped away and i am not trying to fit in to a crowd. i'm over trying to look the same as everyone else.

on saturday afternoon i headed out to chickamauga for an afternoon with jen. we had a pleasant time with eachother. laughing our heads off at her baby girl, lavendar zoe. i had this month's mailorder to deliver to her and to show off my swap goodies. we also discussed the ins and outs of website design. and i showed her andrea's site and ellia's and shashi's too. i know how much blogging has given me an outlet for the input/output of a massive amount of "stuff". i thought it might be good for her to see all of you. abrubtly jen got a call from her mother, jen's brother's little boy fell out of his second story window and was rushed to the er. i am glad to say, he is completely alright. no broken bones, no concussion, no nothing! an absolute miracle! praise god, huh!!!

sunday i went to the best church in the world, my church! calvary chapel. i learned so much from being there for two hours, i was filled so much from being able to rest and be comforted, confronted and reminded of the blessed gospel. kate emailed me with some disappointing news and so i have concluded that i must be in the body of fellow believers and in the word or else i will inevitably fall. i have thought it just my "leanings" of personality or character, being an artist, having an artist's mind. but i believe i was created, given the gifts for a purpose. not to slip into disillusionment or dispair. i could easily slip into needing uniqueness, individuality, and isolation to create, but as a believer i've got to stay in the midst of life and not turn against god's life and art direction.

monday it was back to work and boy was i worn to a thread. i have a cool thing developing, a "showing my art" opportunity. i have got my work cut out for me. i let you know about these things along with pics of my newdo in a day or two.