motion sickness

have you seen how many people are evacuating flordia? it's unbelievable to think about and then to see all the cars on the highways. wouldn't you look for an alternate route? i suppose there's only so much one could do. i'm slightly worried about josh and jennifer kring. they live near tampa and i understand from the weather, that the brunt of the storm is going to hit there. oh well, i hope they're on their way up here. i bet most of you know how they name the hurricane's, the 45 didn't know so i told him last night.

i just remembered that i might not beable to swim tomorrow, because bill turner's wedding is tomorrow at 3p.m. if i try and work on the mural then i won't have much time to swim. the 45 will be here in twenty two days. i'm getting very excited. we're going to be in knoxville at K.F.A.R. on saturday evening, then ROOFLESS on sunday night. he bought tickets for the lookouts game on monday and i'm having our friends over after the game. i honestly have not made any plans. i think i'll have to work at least a couple of days, but i'll take off friday before he leaves to go make to HNL. if you'd like to see what the 45 is doing you're welcome to go take a look but i'm not going to link you there, you'll just have to do it the old school way.

right now i'm at work posting my lab charges, drinking a mocha frappe' from charbucks, wishing i was off for the weekend. i'm feeling motion sickness from all the dairy products i've been consuming. beware, don't be afraid though.