divided we stand united

i have potentially wonderful news about 45. he interviewed with united airlines yesterday morning and by nine p.m. last night he was offered a job. it was a grueling day, involving three tests, character, geography, and something else. the flight benefits are absolutely incredible. he'll have access to unlimited free flights anywhere in the world. his parents will have access to unlimited free flights anywhere in the world. i potentially will have access to unlimited free flights anywhere in the world. in addition he'll be given 20 vouchers to share with additional family and friends, free flights anywhere in the world.

the 45REvolver has been in honolulu hawaii sense february of this year. he has been working as a NAF employee on Hickam AFB at the gym. it's been a great first job which has lead him to learn more about government service jobs that have a wide variety of future career options. he has consistently looked for a job opening within the airlines though, because of our geographical division. it would allow for travel and financial ease on both our parts if and when he takes the job. there are a few kinks to be worked out and if all else fails he is very content and happy to stay where he is at. i'm extremely proud (of him) and excited by this new development. we have much to mull over and discuss but i feel positive about this move for him.

in other news: um?

chinese shrimp fried rice for lunch
take pictures of meine bruder's construction crew from 12:30-1:30 today(paul is moving to seattle)
mural painting @ n.c.f. on saturday morning
swim in afternoon saturday at aunt cathy's
saturday/sunday celebrate erick leonard's birthday (cousin in-law)
august 22nd is isaac wardell's c.d. release @ lamar's

fenn is coming into town for jana bell's wedding on saturday
she's in flordia waiting on BONNIE