clothesline + new art

hi folks! i spent the weekend at our clothesline art show and am just now catching up on things here. it has definitely been a minute. i have completed several new pieces. the piece pictured above is my above my newest. i haven't quite decided on a title, nothing seems to be hitting me right. i've got words and thoughts about this piece and what it felt like while making it, but nothing, as of yet, is coming to the surface. for now i have been calling it ::snow lightning trees:: i really have absolutely no idea why. it's rather a bother and not worth the fuss.

i am taking several of my new works to a photo lab this week, to shoot some higher quality images of them. after that i plan to update my etsy shop.

i have a holiday show coming up on november 13, two new canvases ready for paint and a solo show coming up in december. i rather doubt i am going to have much time to update but i will try as hard as i might.

i find that my life is changing, it always does but these days, life is directing me in ways i have never quite experienced before. where some things seemed at one time blurry, they are now becoming more clear to me, more in focus. goals i have been reaching for and working toward seem to be growing increasingly closer to achieving. i have these sneaking suspicions and have no idea what i am really suspecting. i think mostly i can see and hear and feel inspiring things, affirming words and sense some echoing truths about where and what i am supposed to be doing. and as fantastical as it may sound i sense all this through making my art, painting and drawing. just the idea of creating something has begun to lead me in ways i never really spent time imagining. and it isn't as if i've got a whole lot of time to spend contemplating these matters. i am still working a full time job, still making art as much as i can in the evenings, still reading as much as i can, still seeing the family and friends. additionally i've begun writing for a local online news source; its a way for me to go and study art, review and critique, then put my thoughts down about what seems right and worthy. it is a completely new feeling of fulfillment i never would have cared to think about. now i feel like writing about art all of the time and hunt for the next opportunity to write about a new show or exhibit. i am not even sure i am all that good of a writer but it seems to me that having been given the opportunity in the first place, i might make the best of it. and it's delightful.

i never knew that experience could be added up and that by a certain point in time i'd find myself in a place of peace about the vast majority of things that never mattered in the fist place. and that's not just because life as i know it right now is or has been all that easy, it's just i feel i might be getting better at listening to myself, the inner self, i mean. and something about making art makes me feel like i can hear better. i believe that makes sense. for now at least and that is all that matters. i ought to wrap up here, the night and the book are calling my name now. sleep well.

::our clothesline art show::

on friday october 15, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Our Clothesline Art Show will have it's fourth annual artist reception. on saturday october 16, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. the historic Krichbaum House will be open to the public to view fine art works from; Maria Cardillo, Cat Collier (obviously, that's me!), Katie Ward Knutson, Laura Pettit, Jennifer Kring, Linda Thomas, Kelly Wilkes, Valerie Fleming, Danielle Fox, and Marcie Sherman. Catering will be provided by: Bello Cibo - a new Northern Italian Cuisine catering business in town. we're totally pumped. and ready to pull out all the stops this year.

i've been extremely busy, busier than i think i've ever been before in my life. the list of things to do keep mounting. but all of it is good. like really good stuff. i have been making new art work, writing the chattarati, biking more now that my new boyfriend has a bicycle, cooking more, and spending time with friends. of course clothesline has taken some time, but mostly these days are good. like hosting a small group of ladies every sunday night, studying and talking, sharing and listening. as a group we're planning on visiting a shepherd, a beekeeper, and go to a wine stomp. i've got a megaillion ideas swarming, fluttering around in my head and one by one i'm checking them off my list. for instance, i ordered a whole new set of mini moo business cards this morning. i've been thinking about my upcoming solo show at leo; regardless all is great!

there's also; planet altered - C.A.F.E. Grant Supper (community arts funding event)

or what about submitting to chronicle? or getting a studio space at the rivoli? or say, hey, maybe i should finish my sketchbook for the sketchbook project! or submitting my work to blanket magazine might be fun. i'm also working out the kinks in my head about applying to get into next year's 4 Bridges Art Festival. that's a whole lot of stuff flitting about in this old head of mine. any thoughts...

::weekend worthy::

it is now sunday night. i feel like this weekend is worthy of at least a little post. other than the fact that it was an absolutely fabulous weekend, i'd have to say seeing this beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky on saturday morning really felt delightful. i have not seen a rainbow over the western sky like this before. sitting out on the balcony, seeing this, made it for me completely. just made it! the gallery hop and rivoli's art party was awesome! i had a blast. utterly exhausted and looking forward to starting new art work this week. going to bed early tonight, plan on catching up on my reading for a bit. hope to post a little bit more in the future weeks, as i complete new art for upcoming shows. be back soon. good night now.

Rivoli Art-n-Party!

tomorrow i will be showing my art work at the Rivoli Art Mill from 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. i'll be one of several incredible artists sharing the space; matthew dutton, michael jenkins, katie ward knutson, kimberly alducin dereuter, julie whitehead jones, teresa reynolds-hulse, anne dickson bailey, jerry allen, wendy morgan, whitney nave jones, charles, niznik clendenin, and steve terlizzese.

i am definitely excited! i'm looking forward to displaying my work in a new venue, meeting new people and connecting with all my fellow artist friends. i just finished a new piece, though pretty small, it was an extra canvas i had lying around i thought i would whip something up real quick like. more trees!!!

i've got plenty to keep me busy these days. currently planning upcoming Our Clothesline Art Show, then a solo show at Leo Handmade Gallery during the month of December.

in the meantime, i'm donating a piece of art work to both girls inc. and to hope for the inner city. keep your eyes peeled for more work in progess, as well. just about to begin a new piece! can't wait!

have a great weekend folks!

cat collier::the art of - newsletter july 2010

Cat Collier::The Art of
Newsletter - July 2010

Upcoming Shows::Events::Projects

July 2010 is a unique fundraiser for the Arts & Education Council that combines the culinary and fine arts for an evening of exploration with chefs, artists and community members. The highlight of the event is the silent art auction featuring 48 works by local artists, all created around this year's event theme..FIERCE!
Can't wait? Take a Sneak Peek of ::Fearless Fierceness:

August 7th::Sundown in St. Elmo Show at Umbra Essence
Sundown in St. Elmo is a community-wide open house held on the first Saturday of the month from 6-9pm. Come out and enjoy artist receptions, live music, restaurant specials and more from the great local businesses in St. Elmo! Events will take place from June thru October so stay tuned each month for all the latest happenings!

Come visit with me and find your favorite piece of Cat Collier art as Umbra Essence hosts an artist's reception for yours truly. Enjoy light refreshments on the garden terrace during my reception and discover a piece of art that speaks to you. Showing with me at Umbra is Sarah Hiles of Artizen Metal - Metalsmith.

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Future Events
Fall 2010::Our Clothesline Art Show
The Ladies of Our Clothesline Art Show are working on this year's show. Stay tuned for details on date and featured artists. Don't miss this annual weekend-long event and celebration of local artists.

December 2010::Leo Handmade features Cat Collier
Leo Handmade is a retail shop and gallery on the Northshore featuring handmade (and often locally-made) products exclusively. The space features work from a different artist or duo monthly and December 2010 is Cat Collier month at Leo Handmade. Come check me out, yo!

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