::our clothesline art show::

on friday october 15, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Our Clothesline Art Show will have it's fourth annual artist reception. on saturday october 16, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. the historic Krichbaum House will be open to the public to view fine art works from; Maria Cardillo, Cat Collier (obviously, that's me!), Katie Ward Knutson, Laura Pettit, Jennifer Kring, Linda Thomas, Kelly Wilkes, Valerie Fleming, Danielle Fox, and Marcie Sherman. Catering will be provided by: Bello Cibo - a new Northern Italian Cuisine catering business in town. we're totally pumped. and ready to pull out all the stops this year.

i've been extremely busy, busier than i think i've ever been before in my life. the list of things to do keep mounting. but all of it is good. like really good stuff. i have been making new art work, writing the chattarati, biking more now that my new boyfriend has a bicycle, cooking more, and spending time with friends. of course clothesline has taken some time, but mostly these days are good. like hosting a small group of ladies every sunday night, studying and talking, sharing and listening. as a group we're planning on visiting a shepherd, a beekeeper, and go to a wine stomp. i've got a megaillion ideas swarming, fluttering around in my head and one by one i'm checking them off my list. for instance, i ordered a whole new set of mini moo business cards this morning. i've been thinking about my upcoming solo show at leo; regardless all is great!

there's also; planet altered - C.A.F.E. Grant Supper (community arts funding event)

or what about submitting to chronicle? or getting a studio space at the rivoli? or say, hey, maybe i should finish my sketchbook for the sketchbook project! or submitting my work to blanket magazine might be fun. i'm also working out the kinks in my head about applying to get into next year's 4 Bridges Art Festival. that's a whole lot of stuff flitting about in this old head of mine. any thoughts...