::madly week::

my entire week was full and mostly filled with the new.  the thrill of having a couple of new boxes of moo minis arrive, rounded out my week. no matter how many times i have made an order, i always find myself a little nervous. moo has never failed me yet.  though i rushed through the process this time and neglected to lighten many of the images in picnic, before filling.  it's fine though, no matter.  the moo will be gone in a blink of an eye.  

toward the middle of the week, i bought a few new pieces of furniture from my mom.  these took the place of the raton, which is now in my bedroom, crowding.  everything about this plastic wicker furniture says hang art on the wall above me, put flowers on me, change everything, rearrange, sell the raton.  on and on.  new means, getting rid of the old or repurposing it in some form or fashion.  i'm not feeling the repurposing and hope that someday soon, someone comes along who needs these perfect pieces of vintage retro raton.  

also this week i attempted and succeeded at baking my first yeast rising cinnamon sticky buns. i prepped the dough and turned off the hvac and sat the dough directly in the sun.  i left for a few hours and came back to a mass.  so beautiful and surprising.
i could not believe my eyes.  it actually has given me confidence to try some more, bread, rolls, you name it.  yeast is my friend.  i got 15 pieces to framewrights this week for the upcoming chattanooga artists reserve. i'm also working on a large postcard order.  we'll see how that turns out.  
the week just turned out to be madly great.  a rush in every way.  great times with family and friends.  art making and a whole bunch of balcony sitting.  it makes my heart feel good enough.  i can go back to work tomorrow.

::apartment living::herbivore

one of the things that excites me the most about my new, since december, apartment living experience, is the balcony.  for the first time in seven years or more, there is space and place enough for a few of my favorite outdoor summer living plants.  last year i fell in love with the citronella plant, the shape of the leaves silhouetted, the scent, and the small purplish pink flowers.  this year i am trying my hand at lavender, basil, pineapple sage, and peppermint.  

i am imagining a long hot summer on the balcony, sweet iced peppermint tea in hand at all times.  i have yet to even get the flowers.  i am particularly interested in finding the perfect plant stand, one that will hold several plants at once, at different levels, and that has wheels. i like the idea of attaching basket containers to the hand railing but have not, as of yet been impressed with the options.  in my mind there is absolutely no rushing this summer thing.  everyday i feel like i am waking up on vacation.  is that what condo/apartment living is like for everyone?  i wonder these things.  i imagine catching sea shore scents off the wind.  oh the wind can be fierce.  it was a wind to be reckoned with this past winter, i am so glad that's over.  the wind tears through the streets like you wouldn't believe.  and then there is the sunshine.  i hesitate to even take pictures, only because i know i couldn't do the sun a bit of justice and plus, i think sunsets are like a dime a dozen.  except from my balcony, from my view there has not been one alike, there's not one cloud i've ever seen twice, the blues and whites and pinks and oranges change from day to day.  silly, i am almost jealous of myself.  

when i was a littler and younger girl i remember my summers revolving around, summer camp, baby-sitting, reading, bed sheet forts, mud ball making, and riding bikes.  i remember how as a kid we'd spend every single hour of the day out of doors, mostly.  nowadays, the weathermen forecast the air quality code of the day, taking your breath away.  i don't care a bit really.  after an eight hour day underneath the fluorescent, a nice long sit on the balcony, sweating out the man made light toxins, feels like all the craziness can be reversed.  so far, my summer is looking like a vacation on the balcony.  i'm wondering, what's yours looking like.


i thought i'd take a break from the usual humdrum and spout a list of sorts.  i noticed that my blog posts per month have taken quite a nosedive, so without further ado i present my first ever summer list. just incase you were wondering about this list or that list, well, here they are.

1.  participation!!! chattanooga artists reserve::june 27; 12-7pm

3.  moo over making

4.  balcony sunbathing

5.  pomegranate sweet iced tea

6.  family tree commission, planning and excited

7.  herbs that include; lavender, sweet basil, and pineapple sage

8.  5 part salad mix sprouting seeds at handypantry, in my summer eating plan

9.  how long have i been talking about this?  getting a bicycle, ever.

10.  clear & card envelopes, craft paper ordered; i've never ordered through stampin' up online before, i'll let you know how it goes.

11.  cards to make via kinko's

12.  art.a.ma.jig; july 16

13.  small art pieces; framewrights

14.  drink more water

15.  citronella rooting

16.  break out the skirts

17.  take more "giveaways" to salvation army.  i have a broken television and a very old microwave, best guess/approximately from the late '70's, early 80's {vintage}

18.  zero sum

19.  update etsy; seriously...

20.  see my nephews & neices!

so how's that for a list?  what's on your agenda?