::tempting~off the sub::

i happened to go the pet store with a friend, last weekend.  i cannot remember the last time i went to a pet store.  i don't even know if there is a "last time."  i mean, i saw this little baby fish at the walmart once and it was like, all funny, cute and nemo-style-wimpy-fin and i loved it. there seemed to be a connect between myself and this little thumb-like fish.  we made eye contact. for real.  so anyway. i went to the pet store and saw some fish that were not so impressive, no connection.  i saw some puppies, no connection.  and i saw some cats, definitely no connection and then i saw some birds.  several years ago i bought a small blue parakeet and fell in love. his/her name was moon and she was eaten by a cat. hence no connect with kitties at pet store.  well, i am now so completely tempted to purchase two of these beautiful birds.  and well wanted to see if, well if, i don't know.  i don't want to pay a two fifty pet deposit for one and the birds would cost about one hundred for two, because they ought not be alone and they are so incredibly sweet and passive.  my friend kindly did some research for me and found these pictures for me.  oh.  to pine.  too tempting.  apparently there are three different varieties, the top image of birds, are like the ones i saw at said, pet store.  i think i like them mostly.  subtle coloring and they were sitting in the back of the cage like aviary at the store, quietly dozing off.  i like that.  a lot.     
the other thing is that i still have not gotten a bicycle or a stackable washer/dryer, so i'm going to have to spread these tempting things out and sell a little bit more artwork before.  you know?  to say the least i thought i'd share a bit of my interests, thoughts, aside from the art stuff. seems all i've got on the brain is making.  but it's getting late and i've got to glue some stuff down.  and get my next piece ready to paint.  i cannot wait to be able to share some of the newest things i am working on for the summer.  really exciting stuff happening.  what did you all think of the book?  isn't it great!  i love it.

if you've got bird thoughts, suggestions or would just like to leave a comment of any sort i'd be happy.  i know that many of you support via facebook and such and all of your comments are much appreciated.  i really don't feel all that deserving.  i love making art and sharing.  it's simpler that way.  i mostly like working and making art all of the time.  

looking forward to long weekend, what are your plans?

::mindful making::

i just couldn't resist.  i had to, because i just couldn't believe it until i saw it, touched it, read it.  karen michel's book is on shelves now and it is beautiful.  as soon as i got home last night i dug in and began reading, cover to cover.  soaking in the spirit and purpose of this book.  'green guide for artists' cuts to the chase, delving into studio safety, green art recipes, and profiling artists who are mindful of their making. it is a conscience write on how to create art that is nontoxic, environmentally favorable, and significantly aware.  

i am going to make art for the rest of my life and so it is important that i remain knowledgeable of how my art influences the viewer. it is just as valuable and challenging for me to always consider how my work impacts my world, my body, and my home.  without even thinking about it, i began reusing material that had prior function. i participated in several art paper swaps, and flung myself at a massive stack of old or vintage wallpaper books i found, i began consuming less art store material and found a way to incorporate a lot of my own found pieces. from tissue paper left in gift bags, wrapping paper, mailing stamps left on envelopes, to old unused cardboard games like checkerboards and such. recently i was given two particle board type countertop panel things and made art on them. i have scoured thrift stores for old canvas material and friends who know me have given my canvas in frames with old art in them. i have thought a lot about the preservation of my work on and with this reused, recycled material and it remains, a balance i must strike. that my work must last by using materials that are also conserving in other areas. i must say, there is a lifetime warranty on all of my art. it goes without saying that my work is highly constructed, i take the technical crafting of art making very seriously. in this digital age, art can last forever, in a way that the many of the masterworks will not.
it is increasingly clear that we ought to take care and as karen writes, "...the decision to "go green" in art making will mean different things to different people...no change is too small or insignificant, even the little changes we make very day add up."

"it is about a life of making art that is examined and knowledgeable!"

i am excited about my profile feature and am thankful to karen and kristin for this outstanding collection of words, ideas and works.  

have a great sunday you all!


earlier this evening i received an exciting email from the extremely talented artist and author karen michel in regard to her newly published book; 'green guide for artists'.  i had forgotten or let it slip into the recesses of my mind that i had been contacted late last year by kristen hampshire & writehand co. in regard to the publishing of this fantastic new book.  as i recall and am now reminded, i was asked specifically about how i intentionally recycle, reuse or renew "found" things in my art.  i have little recollection of my thoughts or answers to kristen's questions.  i caught a sneak peak of the pages and it's absolutely beautiful.  i cannot wait to get a copy!  yes.  yes.  yes.  

i vaguely remember talking a whole lot about being inspired by urban contemporary or graffiti art, how, every bit of what i see on the street, influences my color choices and my line workings. i remember talking about how early on in phantomcrimes, i was interested in meeting and following and swapping with fellow bloggers and artists.  so much of my second hand inspiration came from the numbers of paper swaps i was fortunate to be apart of and how that became a resource for recycling, reusing and renewing much of what might otherwise be disposed of.  i never would have thought.  and feel so proud of this community of like minded artists and crafters i feel so haphazardly apart of.  it's just so crazy!  

cottonmouth::paper quilt collage

confession; all photos of art are taken in huge bathroom.  i am thinking about renting it out as a photography studio.  on second thought, no.  so i'm gearing up for the second annual chattanooga artist reserve, my first.  i have decided to come back to the paper quilts for this purpose and to change it up, try some pastel inspired, circus sideshow inspired pieces. this one was like getting a burst of fruity cotton candy flavored energy.  it just rolled off the "presses" like you wouldn't believe.  i couldn't believe it.  it takes a whole lot more concentration to order a large painting, these paper quilts are just plain fun.  with one down, i am feeling excited about the summer, the upcoming art shows, meeting new artists and seasoning my life with the challenge of creating on a daily basis.  

as soon as i take some smaller sized photos i'll add everything new to my etsy shop.  

i will also really try and update the other facets of phantomcrimes...unga.