cottonmouth::paper quilt collage

confession; all photos of art are taken in huge bathroom.  i am thinking about renting it out as a photography studio.  on second thought, no.  so i'm gearing up for the second annual chattanooga artist reserve, my first.  i have decided to come back to the paper quilts for this purpose and to change it up, try some pastel inspired, circus sideshow inspired pieces. this one was like getting a burst of fruity cotton candy flavored energy.  it just rolled off the "presses" like you wouldn't believe.  i couldn't believe it.  it takes a whole lot more concentration to order a large painting, these paper quilts are just plain fun.  with one down, i am feeling excited about the summer, the upcoming art shows, meeting new artists and seasoning my life with the challenge of creating on a daily basis.  

as soon as i take some smaller sized photos i'll add everything new to my etsy shop.  

i will also really try and update the other facets of phantomcrimes...unga.