{coral castles}***

i just decided to sort of experiment for a minute...this past weekend i had the chance:offered or asked to take photos of the band {coral castles} my brother aaron is in. frankly, i was excited about the opportunity and am even more interested to see how the photos are utilized by the band. i thought that sense the photos already seem to be mingling:on the circulation, i'd play for a day and give this great group of guys a shout out. for one, i had a really nice afternoon and thought of the many great photographers before me, those men and women out there shooting up a storm, capturing mind boggling images, and my attempts, the past, present and future. coral castles needed a shoot for posterity, the record will be important. check out more in my coral castles set.

hot cereal:laundry:enron

my exhaustion has no excuse other than the fact that at midnight last evening i was up folding laundry, organizing dresser drawers, contemplating hunger and hot oat bran cereal with soy, stamping cards, and becoming more and more of a skeptic, a "debbie downer", a hermitess of the mind, a cynic and worst of all an independent thinker. awgh. what's more i only have five, count them on one hand, five television channels. all it takes is pbs. i have no cspan, no cnn, no mtv, no hgtv, or bravo. i should say of course that it goes without saying, in every case there are two sides of every story. but my word!!! if it is midnight where you sit, grab a bowl of warm cereal. contemplate with me.

independent lens

enron: the smartest guys in the room: i wouldn't know how to go about convincing you that you should see this film. it is impossible for me to express myself when my adrenline has peaked and the passionate feelings rise to a high of confusion, anger and betrayal. or rather apathy. i know seeing and acknowledging new ideas, new forms of thinking are really important to me.

for instance i just finished reading barbara kingsolvers small wonder. like wendell berry's a gift of the good land and c.s. lewis' mere christianity i wanted to somehow escape and stay simultaneously in the middle of their words. to say i felt overwhelmed by the language, provoked by poignant fields of thought or humbled is an understatement. after completing these books and after watching enron i am beginning to think that questions aren't proactive and if you think doubting or worrying is enough you are most likely deceived. don't get me wrong though i'm usually pretty disgusted and terribly afraid of protests {verbal warfare:gang debating terror} and protesters in the midst of protesting. in my retrospective i see that i have been mindfully swayed by berry, lewis and kingsolvers thoughts on protest, war, television, and politics. my enron independent lens experience of knowledge has grown expedient. i'll leave it at that.

check out: black gold
see it now: still life with animated dogs

and look what my mom found: warm biscuit

by the way: i wasn't a button design winner, maybe next time. have a really nice day my friends.

busy beaver:button design competition

a while back i was doing some button making shopping and discovered a great little website called busy beaver. then one day i was surfing the www and found a link to a button design competition and it just so happened to be sponsered by the cool peeps at busy beaver. i tried to download the template but was unsuccessful, so i submitted my design in a square format thinking myself a royal dork. okay so a little earlier today i was checking my junkmail and found and email about the competition and wahlah!!! my button design appears on their site as an entry!!! neato, right? unfortunately i missed the voting and have to wait one whole day until judges picks are announced. there are some really cute ideas:designs and there will be twenty lucky winners and five honorable mentions. if i happen to win by chance, which would be really cool, i would win 200 FREE buttons with my design on them. this kind of thing would absolutely make my day!!! say a little prayer or whatever you do and i'll update tomorrow. check em: soandso WOOHOO!!!

move on:gearing up

i finished up the last of the drawings on the Black:White:Silver Paper Quilt Collage a few nights ago. it is a relief to have a rainbow of color to contribute to the upcoming clothesline show. i am getting really excited about sharing my new little paper quilts with everyone. i am not saying that they are the very best art that i have ever created but i do feel one hundred percent satisfied. what's left? well i'll be sending out invites this week to the show. i hope to have a stack of cards ready to sell. a little something for people to purchase inexpensively and still have a small printed piece of art to take home with them. i have got to stamp and seal the paper quilts and come up with a framing/wrapping plan. i have one little collage to go, and haven't started it yet because i really wanted to whip up a larger collage/painting, something fresh and new to hang at fitness together.

lying in bed last night i started thinking about what to send out in a five senses swap. unga bunga!!! i have a scarey halloween sounds cassette tape for "hear-ing"...i dunno know. i really wanted to try and not spend a dime this swapo'round. meanwhile i'll assume a detective style, scope a few clues from anastasia's pretty blog. this weekend i was happily surprised with a brillant little paper package from the dear emily. our earlier conversation where she happened to come across this stash of beautiful vintage wrapping paper totally slipped my mind. so when i came home on friday afternoon and found a surprise in my box i was delighted. really excited, so thoughtful emily. if you're reading: thank you thank you.
i ought to spring into action and create a little something out of all this fine material. i'll keep you all updated on the vintage wrapping paper tip as time speeds on.

and now i am remind of the paper quilt project. all is up and running and the may packets of paper are heading out our way by the end of the week. i'll stop everything to produce and send back a collage in two weeks. this is collobrative effort dream come true. check out the lastest!!!

i'm outta here, moveon.org!!!

working on our clothesline

just wanted to let you all know that katie and i have been working most of the day on a new site/blog for the women artist who are participating in the may 2007 clothesline show. i really wanted to use the new blogger format but can't take the time to learn the html language-xtml or xhml or whatever the heck it is. kind of more complicated. if you are a participating women artist and would like to contribute work or thoughts or what have you please contact me @ catcollier[at]hotmail[dot]com. i will also include your name and site/blog/myspace on the sidebar. i am thinking i ought to send out an email asking for info from each of you (the eleven). until then please go by, check out, let us know what you think. this will help not only us but the rest of the chattanooga community of women artists as well as the general public. hope all of you have an excellant weekend. takecare.