
i've been surfing the www all morning long.
i found two pair of blue and green owl earrings and bought
them for nine dollars and fifty cents.
last night i went to bible study.
i came home and worked on the pretending/posturing
tree. i am changing it's direction for the better.
i am following exodus, bitter water, so on and
so forth. i'm going to go home early today.

with august over

i can't tell you how happy i am that august is now behind me. the beginning of the month was quite treachorous, the middle of the month things really started to pick up but now that it is september i'm back into the swing of things. i have not felt as productive, as i do at this point. on friday night i called kate and we caught up on a whole lot. while on the phone she reminded me that several years ago i decided that when making my art, especially collage, that i would utilize my drawing and painting skills. it is a challenge in collage to incorporate one's own ideas. in the beginning i spent a whole lot of my time cutting up magazines and things. now a piece isn't complete until i've added a larger element of my own. so over the weekend i began the second phase of the process with the paper quilt series, pushing myself to overcome and reflect my own drawing ability. i planned on the push in the first place, but it's hard. to have what looks to be a complete work, having to begin again, drawing...yikes! so far so good, although the first (blue paper quilt) has not been completed, it's got a blue bird!

i also began the largest painting i've ever worked on before. i'm excited because i initially bought the canvas to paint a commisson for my brother and sister n law. but they have decided on a triptych cityscape, so i won't be using this over 3 foot by over 2 foot canvas for them, i get to use it for the pretending/posturing tree. i really haven't got the gumption to show it all because it's all rather crude in the beginning but i like how the shapes and colors are coming together. kate was saying how she's incorporated a "jack rabbit" into her paintings because her backyard is full of early morning bunnies. i have strange trees around me the city and often times they are the only green things, catching light and rain. plus, and this is big. this past sunday frank taught from exodus, moses and his people come across a bitter water river, and desperately need their thirst quenched, god shows moses the tree and tells him to push it into the river. the imagery has caught up with me! i've never had this type of experience before, what shall i do?

tonight i've got b.s. and judges. and jesus christ, whether you believe or not, has raised me up in my job. he has made a way and i have found financial victory! praise him! my time at cvs maybe coming to an end. not before christmas though. i'm not sure there's anything else going on. the week is short and i've got to concentrate. i'm looking forward to the weekend with grand friends, gallery hop and all.

dream of the day: laptop by next summer

owl for an owl

i'm moving on, by inverting the colors, modpodging, thinking more about painting upon my paper quilt series. thoughts of white on collage, robots, birds, and trees. how? ugh the biggest and hardest question though. i started another painting, a very large painting. i am trying to keep up the pace. i'm not working this weekend so hopefully i'll have some shots of wip. it's of a tree, yes another tree, but you've got to remember my concentration, my spirit of concept must not sway. i do not like the tree that i've painted at all so there is much work to follow. saturday morning i'll be heading out to brunch with my mom and dad. i'm thinking of pool time with jen. and church on sunday. fajatas up on the mountain and working at the rx on monday, time in half holiday pay.

i am not sure we are to speak of financial victories or not, but two weeks ago the docs i work for here at uoha agreed upon a four percent yearly household income raise, i have asked for a little bit more than that, and i think i may be getting it. so far i've gotten really good feed back from the o.m. it isn't as though i'll be able to quit the rx, but last year i happened to owe the irs a grand, my dear father helped me out, but i am still indebted. there is grace in all of this.

i've gotten the most incredible feedback on the paper quilt series things. i really appreciate your looking, encouraging words and thoughts. have a great weekend.

storm out storm in

i pleased to announce productiveness! there is a hint of autumn in the air this morning. i came home on friday afternoon, last week and found a special sort of thing in my box. it was the late summer 2006 paper source catalog. woohoo! boy do i ever get excited about catalog's. it might be considedered cheating but but i'm all about the free beautiful stuff inside, plus couldn't it be considered recycling. catalogs pile up on top of one another never to be leafed through again. i'm using what i have, i mean hasn't that been a concern of collage artists since the beginning of time. the expense can be so overwhelming. don't get me wrong i have purchased before.

so over the weekend i found the gumption to put my hands to work and i was able to produce three small monochromatic collage quilts. i'll be uploading the green and blue pieces to my flickr immediately after i'm finished posting. i worked this past weekend so i'm excited i got anything done at all. on the other hand my apartment has been neglected for weeks. so before i start any new projects, i am going to have to clean beyond measure.

i finally feel like the amount of art i have to show is growing back it's leaves again. after a florishing spring and a scorching summer i didn't think i had much to offer. things may finally be flowing once again.

reality away

i just got finished eating less than half a soggy blackbean burger and i'm not certain it isn't going to haunt me. i have got a pile of projects to accomplish this afternoon before heading out for the weekend, to work at the pharmacy. i desperately need a power nap right about now, a soymilk iced mocha or s.m.o.k.e. i have had a different week a much much better week, less work more fun!

tuesday: rembrandt's with m.c. and laurie
wednesday: b.s. @ calvary, 6 mile walk with carolyn and blisters
thursday: much much needed evening with jen and lavender, sweet starfish aloe too, veggie pizza umm.
friday: work
saturday: work
sunday: work

i am almost finished with till we have faces by c.s. lewis, next it's onto wendell berry. i am working on a essay, might enter it into an essay contest but i really need my genius writing brother aaron's help. my other brother's a genius too but he's a builder. i'm the red dot in the middle of everything. do you have a grasp of your reality? i am working on it. sunday my electricity went out for three hours, boy was that a sign i needed to be quiet, reflect, acknowledge and well pray just a little. next week i should be back to posting consistently. i'm off. thank you for your thoughts and prayers.