storm out storm in

i pleased to announce productiveness! there is a hint of autumn in the air this morning. i came home on friday afternoon, last week and found a special sort of thing in my box. it was the late summer 2006 paper source catalog. woohoo! boy do i ever get excited about catalog's. it might be considedered cheating but but i'm all about the free beautiful stuff inside, plus couldn't it be considered recycling. catalogs pile up on top of one another never to be leafed through again. i'm using what i have, i mean hasn't that been a concern of collage artists since the beginning of time. the expense can be so overwhelming. don't get me wrong i have purchased before.

so over the weekend i found the gumption to put my hands to work and i was able to produce three small monochromatic collage quilts. i'll be uploading the green and blue pieces to my flickr immediately after i'm finished posting. i worked this past weekend so i'm excited i got anything done at all. on the other hand my apartment has been neglected for weeks. so before i start any new projects, i am going to have to clean beyond measure.

i finally feel like the amount of art i have to show is growing back it's leaves again. after a florishing spring and a scorching summer i didn't think i had much to offer. things may finally be flowing once again.