week end wages

my eyelids are heavy my weekend wage amounts to exhaustion and a great temptation to sleep. all i must do is get through today, tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night and then i'll have two nice evenings off. then friday evening work, and the whole weekend off. it maybe stupid for me to be thinking of this coming weekend already. it is just that i had a blast this past friday night. out and about. feeling somewhat normal again with a social life. i tend to forget i am human and not just a machine. i tend to forget about what i am looking for. i tend to forget the weather is even changing, turning from summer to fall. which reminds me, when in cartersville with fam knutson i spent the majority of my time with josiah. it is amazing how at age two and half he has begun to sing and remember songs. so i simply love ella fitzgerald's "i love paris." so i taught josiah the song and it fit with our walks around the fest.

i got this roll of film developed "matte" finish style. i had fotos of gulf shores, hilton head, savannah and the cartersville weekend. while in savannah we went to several places, ate at vinnie van gogo's . yum and more yum. but the most important thing about my visit there was this beautiful skirt. the color and design are up my collage book alley. way to go!

this here is my favorite guy. and as soon as a get some more art moooolah, molah specifically for canvas. i'll be giving this foto a run for it's money. i'd like to do another portrait of him. so photogenic and the nice white concrete wall behind him is perfect. what is it about him? man i'm still glad i have my thrityfive mL camera. there is black smudges somewhere there in side the frame/lenses, which i've tried to clean. but i am fortunate that the smudges don't screw with the photos.

kate's exhibit opening went really well from my perspective. this is actually what she had to say about the evening. i do not feel it necessary to reiterate. only to say and concur that i believe in the success of the hollis gallery and kate as well. afterward we went to the meeting place and ate some yummy food, i had salmon and a nice wine-j.m's choice, mind you. from there j. and i went to the pickle barrel. all that i can say is that the weather made the whole evening! i could actually say a whole lot more, but i'll refrain for now.

i actually too, wanted to mention that my coworker amp became pregnant after 6 years of trying-fertility and the works. over the weekend she miscarried. coming into work this morning was a really courageous thing for her to do, but she is going to need a whole lot of prayer, strength and comfort. if you think of it and feel like praying for her, god will shed his love upon her and her husband, but the more prayer the better, you know?

the waiting trait

there is nothing like the feeling of getting over. how i get over is a miracle in itself. i make a choice to believe that getting over a day, over a week, over a sour relationship, crappy waiting, loss of life, "the" war, my tired witless work, this tiny sprouting overwhelming insecurity is the grace, i said the GRACE of my father, my god. i was praying last night, falling asleep as often i do-do at around one a.m. praying and then thinking of how in god's grace he allows me to fall, he allows me the freedom to fall, so that i might realize his awesome power, his awesome strength, the neverending joy in knowing him, speaking with him on these subjects. i fall minutely, every last detail of my life is a fall. i am terribly blessed to be on the waiting list having that waiting trait in my genetics, feeling it in my blood, pulsing through my heart. to see my god, christ i know him.

this go around i have tried to understand that my anger will well up and i'll get pissed at the smallest of details. so i have found that this acknowledgement of my sin is the first step to repentence and healing. i really really want the healing to begin. always.

i must say that in all of this blog world you see a strength amass. i see people expressing themselves in these tedious ways that speak so clearly that we are incredible, that we humans have the power with god to mend not only our craft, not only a homes, but our neighborhoods and our larger communities. at different times i have caught wind of a "scrapbooking" superiority conflict, but it is rare and unfounded. i see sharing of ideas and product that goes beyond selfish gain and fortitude. i see the building up of women in all ways. so with that said i'd like to honor with my words my dearest friend kate. her art is a true inspiration that deserves full attention.

i spent the weekend with her in marietta/cartersville at the 34/84fest. i thought prior to going down there that she's have success. i believed that she would and that god would bless her with a monumental affirmation of her gift. sure enough this woman brought god the glory by getting the best of show. she was fairly discouraged about all of the prep going into the fest and even the buying response last year may have tainted her feelings but in god we sat at the tent waiting on the people he wanted to see her work. that is all we had to do. trust him to bring the right people. and he did. the judge/juror who gave her the prize!!!

anyway, if you are out there thinking i am crazy for expressing all this about god and stuff, i'd like to be the first to annouce my craziness and the fact that i am not afraid of this sort of crazy. it is a peaceful feeling, looking forward without fear. without trepidation! we are all waiting, those who are not believers and those who are. waiting waiting waiting for that day. oh how i am looking forward to just tonight and spending it with my dear friends and family.

a-version of beauty

i was entirely inspired by the beautiful blobs by katie w. knutson. so today i decided to work a little bit of my own super power paintshop magic. for as lame as paintshop can be, it blends fairly well. the simplicity of the program might limit one, but i find it freeing. i don't have to think a whole lot about the product or the method.

in my other art work i tend to be consumed by and in the process. when my work is viewed, people usually ask me what it means or what it represents. the collage especially has images that may or may not symbolize something to someone else. i typically use an image for the sake of the color or the sake of the lines or shape in the image. i do not know what i would do without my ability to be creative. it is my life, my namesake, the highest privilege. i am not really an avid out of doors person. i used to play soccer and rollerblade, but i wouldn't call myself a treehugger. but i do do do love the trees/blobs. i love painting and collaging birds and fish too. these things have nice lines, nice space and shapes around them.

i made popcorn cake this morning for work, it was happy warm chili day. i got a massive bag of m&m's, a jumbo bag of marshmellow's, a canister of peanuts and popcorn. the cake that really isn't a cake was a workforce snack hit. the cool thing is that when i was a kid, my mom did not want my brother's and i to trick or treat. there were several other family friends who would gather with us to celebrate the fall season. mrs. h used to make the so called popcorn cake for us, for the party. i used to make it with microwave popcorn, but it isn't near as good. i don't know if it is a common little snack, but the girls here don't seem to have heard of it before.

the rest of the week looks slightly less stressful. less coworkers to deal with tomorrow and i'm not working friday at the practice. i am going to be at the rx friday night, leaving out to atlanta saturday morning. there should be fun show at ziggy's on friday night.

from atlanta, the CARRY- ONS (www.myspace.com/thecarryons) punk/ska and chattanooga,

DRUNK MAN DANCING (www.drunkmandancing.com) punk/drunk and chattanooga,

CIRCUIT BREAKERS (www.circuitbreakers.co.nr) gabber/hip-hop performing live this

FrIdAy -- OCTOBER 14TH @ Ziggys (607 cherokee blvd. chattanooga, Tn) 9:00 pm 18+up 5 bucks poster file attached~~ brought to you by At The Break

finding the fever

i can feel it coming in the air. a crisp collective. apples and their tender sipped ciders, bouncing bobbing, dunking and pie. warm wool, shades of red, orange and yellow. creamy soup and deep sleep naps. it is an ache i wish for all year long. i only wish the change was drastic, more noticeable. the shifts in season are barely there.

i'd like to have a halloween party, i will have to work my weekend at the rx. there ought to be something festive though, for me to do. i have to say i am very excited about teaching myself to knit over the last few days. i have collected yarn and needles. a book of course on the casting/knitting/purl. basics you know. once i got the hang of it, the idea is simple. my only confusion at this point is, knowing which yarn to use with which needle's. ooo. i went to the yarn store several months ago and bought some of that nice woolie stuff. i think i've got get the hang of it and then i can make something. um?

i want to decorate a pumpkin and collect dried leaves. i hope the color in cartersville is as pretty as i think it was last year. the air was chilled and kate and i spent the last evening up in the old train depot, eating bbq, drinking wine and listening to a dulchimer player-synthstyle.

last but not least i wanted to draw your attention again to ART:21. finally a collage artist. arturo herrera check it out dude! one of the cool things about this guy is that he takes detailed photos of his collage and then developes and grids the fotos. i also have noticed a huge trend within the artist interviews. drawing drawing drawing.

have any of you ever drawn a tattoo for a flashcard or have any of you ever negogiated sold a flashsheet to a tattoo shop? just curious.