weary warrior

i have got to spit it out and let you in on another artist i found. courtney wotherspoon illustrations is bangin'!!! the sample is one of my faves, but you've got to see 'tread here.' i am not going to show it, so you'll be forced to find it. kate k. had done a few sketches of her husband at one point or another and this next one really reminds me of that work of hers. nick cicciola has a nice positive-negative space thing going on. i honestly think that that is what first attracts me to a work of art. ever sense highschool i have been addicted to pos-neg space. i do not think my art even incorporates a whole lot of the technique or concept, but you know my friend erin p. is producting a whole bunch of work and we have got to get her on the web, showing that shit off man. check out the piece below, i ramble like a buffalo. today for lunch the office got taco schmac. i decided to get a salmon salad. it was half way decent, i should not complain an ounce though, considering the meal was free per dr. john mccravey for nikki's birthday.

work has been alright. the conflict comes and goes and man molly g. you are totally right things, like finishing work. i must sound as though i have a ton of unfinished work. literally...
i still have aprons to produce, two clipboard pieces need the finishing touches/slides/frames. i have the two pieces one the old checker board bird/fish piece and crimpeays. i feel terrible because i wrote melissa, a pal from snailmail a letter like two months ago, i was putting together a care package and whalaa! blah! it hasn't moved from my kitchen/project/catch-all table.

i woke up this morning and haven't gotten laundry done in two weeks, no clean underwares. that's totally embarassing, but true. on top of that i put my underwares on inside out. tag sticking out and all, carolyn n da city saying she was going to but sezy stuff for me now that i've lost a few pounds. i cannot see that happening.

the night before last night the fire alarm in my building-thirty six total apartments, went off four separate times. starting at 3:55am. of course the first, i dressed, gathered my cell-e, purse, and keys and kicked myself to the curb until the firemen gave the all's good on re-entry. the second and third time i decided to lay in bed and wait for a. the fire or smoke to kill me or b. the fireman to bang down my door or c. sleep thru explosive buzzing sounds. by the fourth time i was heading out the door to work, a dreary grumpy self, thinking that coming home to nothing, losing everything to fire again, might be a small relief. clothes, art, paint and project table awry anyway. so maybe i should have a party to motivate the clean up cause.

list o things which i will occassionally put together:

1. speeding ticket due september 12 - dublin GA

2. apt. lease ending september 1, wishing for a house to rent with someone.

3. art finishing, slides, fotoed and framed

4. art cards with gallery st

5. 34/84 moral support for k. family

6. new job?

7. pay off the papa

can you all think of anything else i need to do? ah laundry, number one priority!!!

no waste wednesday

last week i totally fudged my no waste wednesday. last week was a bit of a drag. i know i am needing to make art when everything around me feels less than perfect. i feel ansy, shallow, tired and drained of my life. i often start to want to move from chattanooga and the escape mode kicks in swiftly. oo and it can get kinda rough around the apartment. it did not help that i worked my nine to five in addition to every night and the weekend at the rx, but after the show at b.l. i knew i needed to make another step up. so on monday like i said i took a sick day and worked solidly for around two or three hours on this 'crimpeays' painting. i also have another one going, but seem to have hit a block. but all of that is besides the point. my first thought was to take the pressure off and hit these sites up for inspiration.

i am just in love with the simple work of oksana badrak. the colors are nice, but there also seems to me to be a small bit of symbolism. below is yet another i believe my very favorite from this artist considering it is birds and all.

and yet here is another martha rich has bright work that appeals to my need to work really really large. big studio space here i come...

beautiful blue colors too. have i mentioned that my new favorite paint colors are red and blue like this, geez just wish i could swim in the color.

see gina triplett's work too. another favorite with the bird. i like those big ole drips too. freedom in expression is so wonderful. just a plain ole gift from god. and beauty has been shaped and formed by people like gina pushing the visual envelope. i also have to give a huge shout out to rachel salomon for all the greatest in linkage. rachel's work is absolutely phenom too!!!

in terms of musical inspirations...more of new order's 'NO' and a little bit o' the riddum o' reggea.
i am going to grab some lunch now.

c r i m p e a y s

after reading the da vinci code i have gotten more interested in the words or letters i pick to have in my work. i am now finishing up this painting. <---- "crimpeays" for years i have lived across the parking lot from this building. when i first moved in i used to want a pair of binoculars, to spy, of course. i would watch to see who were the late sleepers, early risers, and night stalkers. i really wanted one of those apartments, but eight hundred-one thousand seems a tad steep for my inclination and income. anyway, you all have prolly found these fotos at flickr, but being that i am painting this, and not a full version. but two canvas, this being the first of another. the other will be of a small shamrock (purple) that i took a photo of. another multi canvas piece.

art show @ barking legs went fair enough. around a hundred people showed up and i got a whole lot of good feedback. i would like to be a regular featured artist though, but in talking with socky i feel he has a whole lot of artists willing and able to show. the night went well and a little slow. but suzanne and i spoke a whole lot. saw denise and phillp and due to my small slowly enclosing walls around me i handed the 'buddha's flight' painting off to phillip s. hopefully he got it per his next door neighbor. my whole secret goal for the night was if someone came up to me who was terribly excited about a work and wanted to buy it i would freak them out and give it to him/her. i know kate knutson is going to be shocked, horrified and totally pissed that i give my work away, but i do not care...i do care...but not about making money, some money would be alright, but i'd rather have people all over the globe have my work than cut my chances in half, by putting a huge price tag on the cheap shit. so much of my work is on poster quality material, who even knows if it will last a hundred years? anyway. i am getting better at these sorts of things-

i also gave my piece of josiah- 'josiah's gift' away to melinda. shocked the living you know what out of her. very fun and exciting to be free of such things. i don't buy anyone's work, except for a few pieces of plush or trade here and there. i don't expect people to want to buy mine. plus i need more room to hang and move forward. i cannot move forward or progress if i have the old stuff collecting dust. do the research and see henry darger's thing on pbs sometime. i am not mentally ill, nor do i need antidepressants, it is just a 'cat' thing.

in other news, worked too much last week and felt completely horrible so i layed out sick yesterday. i had a really great day doing really nothing except painting. did not even watch any television. ye-ah!!! sorry kk for not getting special surprises to your parentals i'd like to hand deliver myself.

but um that's all for now.

red light

okay so the red has generally faded, by this photo. there are no real streaks at this point. and the sun and chlorine has bleached my hair out a bit. kate thought it would have been brighter, her comment while at hilton head. i cannot stand that low slung chin. really i swear i look better in the mirror when i am looking at myself. i don't have a full length, it is probably better that way.

here is a picture of the mural i have been working on for over a year too.

we three trees

oh the long awaited moments, reuniting with close close, very dearly missed friends. a while ago i went down to atlanta to see kate (middle) and took erin p. (left) with me. it was the first time the three of us had seen one another sense jenn green-krings wedding. we had such a nice time. i miss the days of spontaneous ciaos, but i am so grateful for the memories. i am so grateful i'm not so young anymore. the friendships get better with age, not half as difficult or strained. i totally know erin is going to croak when she see herself here. i had to find a photo, selfishly where i looked at least half decent. i am completely non photogenic. you'll notice that is why i crop a whole lot of the photos.

last night i laid out some scrapbooking thread around a couple things i have been painting. then i covered the piece with mod podge again. woke up this morning and it looks really nice. i also went to walmart again and got two canvas. i am getting more and more siked about the august 12th art & music show @ barking legs. i may need someone's help in trying to decide what to hang. if you know or have seen my work i'd like a hint at what i should do, it doesn't mean i will or won't take your opinion (kate, HINT HINT). anyway i'm off. i don't feel like writing anymore.