a no waste wednesday

i think from here on out i am going to try for a no waste wednesday. blogging can feel so self centered and lack organization and even inspiration. i know this because i have read plenty of blogs that lag, tragically my own most of the time. i spend many hours a day on the www seeking, saving, and savoring the small bits of delight cornered away for a day designed for them. i wanted to share lillian's work with you @ little galaxie. i spent last evening working on the texture of two of my pieces. i was at walmart on sunday and picked up some of that mod podge stuff. it seals, coats, and leaves a clear finish-like varnish on the work. i see other work that looks as though it has been dipped in clear resin and i admire it, wish it were my own finished product. i desire the thick clear coat. does anyone know how that is achieved?

i found a nice way of showing you beci orpin's work, through fred flare's site. tina at blueskies happens to sell fred flare items and i got beci's birthday book back several years ago. it has come in quite handy, considering there are birthday's galore to keep track of.

now aaron jasinski has a fantastic site. i love the way he has archived his older work. i enjoy the music and sound selections. and the site is very easy to mingle through. it is one of my favorite inspirations. wish i could show you just a peak.

ooo and take a bite out of jason poteet's vivid abstract ways. if you are more interested in the work of artists at arthouse60 check the link.

i suppose three is enough for no waste wednesdays. i also am very excited to have started a little shop at etsy for your purchasing pleasures. i haven't got but one card posted, but hope to boost my product line even further, do not hesitate to make your way to This FamilyTree--->sidebar.

and if you'd like to participate with no waste wednesdays hit me up with links or just blog the inspirations yourselves.

clutz city

i fell last night walking up the steps in the stairwell to my apartment. wham bam thank you ma'am. i felt so dorky, alone as my voice echoed and the fall bruised my ego. this morning my left upper arm blue and swollen. terribly pathetic. falling makes me feel old and tired.

last night i saw m. oyer, happened to be @ mr. zips at the same time. i wouldn't have looked over at the car parked next to me had he not waved. i haven't seen him sense jarius @ t-bones. funny how people move in and out of my life. he had unfortunate news of a dui this past weekend. first ever arrest, fifteen hours, and all because of 'click it or ticket.' the cop did not even have to pull him over, he was stopped at a red light and a cop noticed him not wearing the ole belt. you can image how it went from there though. i felt bold in asking if m. thought himself an alcoholic, of course he said NO! but the boundaries will help, limiting his intake. maybe serve forty eight hours, was able to keep his drivers license though. how's that?

i got into work this morning (on time) to find a small box from san francisco sitting on my desk. woohoo! the package for josiah and eden has arrived. now i must decide how to deliver. at this point i think kate will be more surprised than the kids, but i suppose that was the plan. thank you l. and i'll post photos, when i know that kate has gotten the dear delights.

all i feel i post lately are self portrait tuesdays. kate was nice enough to let me in on a little secret. or at least apart of the mystery is solved. don't know if kath red is the originator though. maybe she can help? anyway, the photos today are ones i've taken in the last year or so. one in the winter with the scarf my mommom in new jersey made for me, in the red bathroom light and the other in plain white/green mix bathroom. a mix and match clue.

started a fresh new read last night. dave eggers a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. so far so good. i have been listening to the new NEW ORDER cd, ben harper's diamonds on the inside with blessed to be a witness on it (12th track), lauren hill, and the new one from the white stripes. yikes i have never really listened to the 'whites' before. haven't fully come to any conclusions. thinking of swimming at my aunt's pool on saturday. liking the sun, painting fingernails and toenails. wishing my haircut was cut even shorter and debating whether or not i should chop at it myself. trying to think of some fresh new summer receipes. something with squash. or corn on the cob. wish i had a garden too.

forever clutz city coming out at you.

lone rangers

josiah j. knutson is two and a half years old, the son of a fairly tall father, he is half way in catching up with shortly me. despite our age difference, we get along very well. we have plenty in common and i claim to be his very first best friend. i was fortunate enough to be there as he fought his way into the world. the beauty and charge resonants with me as strongly now as it did that day.

most of the time josiah and i speak of music, especially the guitar, bass, sax and drums. it is quite interesting to see his mind and body express his young desire to be a musician. one day while @ hilton head, we were happy to hear dean the reggae artist perform out by the pool. we spent at least an hour out there, sole audience members. but josiah paid attention, i really think he got the concept of the microphone, speakers and possibly the mixer. all i had to say was the wire leading from each to the speaker made the sound louder. josiah became so animated as he repeated my exact words. we sang a whole bunch too. josiah enjoys my improvisational lyrics, thinking that they are real. he doesn't mind me throwing him around a bit, the rougher the louder the laughs and screams. i tried to get him to float on his back in the ocean, and kick his legs, but the concept of swimming versus drowning hasn't quite rooted in him. i appreciated his joy and willingness to do almost anything. kate and joel have been really good parents thus far. josiah is a good kid though, his fuss and muss is usually because of tiredness, no spoiling, except for a little coca cola, which he thinks is hot and has a hard time swallowing. it's a good thing though.

i had never been to hilton head before, and truly everything is in the bushes/trees. hidden with tiny signs. i'd like to go back someday and explore a little more. stopped in savannah on our way back. i have been to savannah before. once in '94 to visit SCAD and the second time with darren hawk and brian whitacre, camping on tybee. i got burnt like a piece of toast out there. not a great trip. this time around was a whole lot more fun. considering i'd never shopped the shops. bought a cool birthday present with suzanne for laurie coe collier aka sister in law. we only stayed a short while, due to the fact that i had to drive the rest of the way back, so we left four pm afternoon, got back around eleven. not bad. although, i did get a speeding ticket on my way down 87 in a 70. oops! can't say i was to upset. moolah isn't due until september 12th, got sometime. but we saw a ton of the po-po. must've needed to meet the monthly quota.

when i got home there was a package from the 45, with his new cd, redda fire, about eleven engraved name plates for my framed work, fliers, and a poster. nice it up surprise, like the old days. had to write him back and ask the obvious questions, that i never ask. oh well. i am not too terribly interested in having a long distance anything. i am thankful for the mere friendship. i just am not going to be responsible for carrying any of the weight. period.

now that my summer vacations are over, i'll be looking at projects, job opportunities, and such more closely. i have got a few pieces i need framed for my august twelth show other than that i may be set. took my film to walmart last night. chattanooga hasn't got a ritz anymore and wolfe screws up black n white. we shall see, i'm looking forward to the photo cd. i always feel like i run low on the photos. the rest of the week i've got to be at the rx every night. so umm, back to normal. fast paced, cyclical yet good for me.

my yellow prawn

we are all wireless, independent. i am here at harbor pointe, water ways on every side. no pictures for your viewing pleasure. no digital, just my 35mm photos to come, many. wanted to tell you all of this female s. wish she were in chatt sometimes. i have been having a really nice time on vaca. with the knuts, amy, nanc, and smoore. in the last two weeks my life has slowed to a crawl. so strange. the days and nights do not seem to fly so fast right now. i'm usually working all the time, same thing every single dang day, it's so odd to have this time away from everything.

beach, pool, sun, more of josiah and eden b. i couldn't really say. all of what i have been thinking of. i wish that my mom could get a way like this. the c. fam must take on a beach condo and do the time share thing. i found out last week while in the gulf, that the art/music event at barking legs will be on august twelth. i'm working that night at the rx, but i'll manage to get my work hung anyway. checking out of the condo tomorrow, heading through savannah for lunch and gallery excursions??? anyone have any ideas? cool we have been getting free wireless here at hp. no body knows how. not too sun burnt, tired but from the sun all together. fixed the group humus, guac tonight for dinner. umm...i miss my mom for some reason right now.

lu i have brought along the be u t i ful book you sent to me. i have gotten a bunch of silly magazines, that have nice stuff in them. working on filling the book, so far fish and birds, my main thoughts revolve around these two animals. sneeze. thank you so much, i have enjoyed having a creative outlet during the evenings here. i went to walmart last night and bought sissors and glue. fun times at ridgemont high. so that's all, prolly could think of more when i get home. there is a white horse at the back of all your minds, there is faith in what you hope for. peace in the beauty god has created. have seen moochoo wild life, birds galore!!!! no underwater animals though. more to come. same time, same place, same this tree.

pine apple por-trait

self portrait tuesday

oh brother, yeah and you might have to take a moment to recover from looking at this photo. for god's sake i've got a pineapple growing out of the top of my head. i have also been stealing these photos from the 45 Revolver's photobucket account. we were 'dating' for around a year and in that time he flew me out to honolulu hawaii. while there he took me all over the place. one of my favorite places was the dole plantation. we decided not to spend the money to take the tour, but i had to have a taste of the famous pine-apple ice cream. it was a welcome treat that day, heat and driving in the mazda mia-ta convertible. happy memories of my journey there.

today i finishing up for the month, due to the fact that i am leaving out tomorrow for hilton head island, south carolina. you know i am a little bit of a ditz, thinking all of this time that hilton head was in georgia. so i have got another seven hour drive for another beach vacation.

okay and my day was going alright, until five checks i just got finished posting came up missing when i went to compile my deposit. come to find out the missing five checks had been deposited a week ago without me knowing. i am totally frustrated because i was hoping to get a whole lot more accomplished today than search for lost money. oh well, a day here will never be predictable.

i made another big batch of humus last night-instead of working. yummy, so easy too! i took a few photos while at gulf shores, and i am in the procrastination station re: getting photos from my february new jersey trip developed. i took photos of my great grandmothers old home, my grandfather's grave and of peter pan bakery. i refuse to bring my film to cvs rx, because their development sucks! and every time i have a day off, i forget to take the film to ritz or wolfe. i am pathetic when it comes to film developing, but i believe it is hereditary. my parents are just as bad or worse.

i have absolutely no craft-e projects going on right now. i feel so terrible about it. i started a package for melissa and i still must finish my next two aprons. there's a handmade book i started too and i think it would be perfect for lu, to repay her for her genorsity. i am going to have to have patience and motivation, simultaneously. i am almost finished with the da vinci code and have enjoyed it for it's simply entertainment quality, haven't really understood why such the controversy when the novel first came out. it isn't written from a 'factual' perspective one ounce. oh well, next i've got dave eggers 'the heartbreaking working of staggering genius.' yikes it'll take some time. i suppose that's all for now. i'll be back on saturday night late, so no posting till monday morning or so.

if you have any ideas for bday gifts for my dad, brother aaron or sister in law laurie give me a shout through the email. wanna keep the ideas a secret. i missing you all, already.

outta here.