jellyfish bellyache

i am home from gulf shores, alabama. specifically the beachclub. i suppose we(uoha girls) have gotten pretty picky about where we stay every year, but i must say this place was not as nice as our previous condo's. the past three years we have been at pheonix V and Spanish Keys, but the hurricane last year really destroyed so much of the gulf. the beaches are still filled with tons of debris, ie. wood, glass, furniture, fridgerators, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers. really horrible. homes looked as though they had not been touched, windows out or boarded up. hotels and condos with whole walls missing. not very pretty, not much to do and sort of sad.

but i had a good time, laying out on the beach. our evening meals weren't great this year either. i had ahi which wasn't really ahi, i had lots of crab, shrimp, and hushpuppies. i spent time reading, watching television, catching up with mtv2-hiphop videos, sleeping, and bouncing in the pool. i drove, so i had the freedom to really come and go as i pleased. carolyn in the city and cece drove down with me. no problems on that end. i am so glad to be back in chattanooga for a couple of days until i head out on wednesday for hilton head with kate and joel knutson. i have got a whole bunch to do in the meantime. but i did want to give a great big shout out to kate for sending a nice sweet baby blue skirt (size 10) whoohoo! and lu lu lu lu, the most amazing little paperbag book i've ever seen or laid my grubby hands upon. honestly opening and leafing through it, gave me chills, you know those chill bumps!!!

oh and at the beach i saw live dolphins and jellyfish and i picked up some nice shells. so i feel good and inspired. got to work tonight and tomorrow. gotta do laundry, make humus, contact kate, don't know exactly where i am going, go grocery shopping a bit. and umm i think that is all. i miss being here in the blog world. next year if i still have my uoha job i'm bringing a laptop. i'll try and post more tomorrow before heading out.

wash blow & go

i am in the brown, buttery colored cords that sag an inch or two too low. i do not usually need a belt and so i am one of "those" today. it is like the grey weather, the ten inches of rain in cobb county, georgia. the swallowing downpours from dennis to emily to next weeks fred. today has been a good day with laughs and slight guacamole pleasures. i even splurged into a mocha frappe' from charbucks. the pounds only shed when i am off from work without an ounce of grocery in my fridge. i will have to weigh in today, for the heck of it of course. i also decided on the al a mode hair today. feels as though it is with ice cream, wild and crazy with humidity and all.

tonight i have got to work at the dallas bay rx which is out near soddy. unga bunga. but then why complain. twenty five hours is nothing and terribly good moolah. and too, i am taking off from the ole uoha tomorrow. "run me some" errands. of utmost importance, the nissan sentra 2005 has got to go for it's very first emission test, woohoo! of course i've been looking for a new bathing suit, what with all the upcoming beach activity. so i'm headed to the sear's essentials which took the place of my favorite kmart. see they are supposed to retail land's end clothing, right? at least i hope so. found some cute ones this year and cannot decide. trying them on is the key.

i am going to make toffee squares and attempt, possibly, humus. i am going against everything kate has told me that, store bought is just as good and easier. the thing is someone has already bought the beans, so what the hell! it'll be an experiment just like the granola. i am trying to help a friend get good food going through his system, so that he'll have the energy to work. he has got to have something he can take on surveying jobs out in the middle of the woods. humus and pita seem easy enough in a sandwich bag. he ended up eating all of my granola so it is time for another trial. this time i will start with the oatmeal instead of the wheat flour. i do not know if i'll have time enough for anything else. but the car thing has got to be done before the end of the month.


motion launch pad

quote crash pest

lotion sun turned

master golf with gold

blaster discovery take off delayed

water melt

gun target totes and tornados
in the deeper south

master quiz A

oh the tiniest example of blaine fontana's work at totembookmedia. just one, but this is a must see! i have been meaning to show this work, magic poof! this guy has been doing it! really if you look closely you'll see the numbers 92, sideways at the bottom. i do believe my ideas lean this direction. it is the small worlds, bright colors, details, layers, and crusty beginnings. how can you say no to a piece like this? i suppose your personal aesthetic would have a whole lot to do with it. i have started to see glimpses of a struggle coming my way, artistically speaking. it is a combination of things that you may have noticed. first, i need a studio space, not just a corner of my home. second, i need large canvas per the thrift store. i need a personal thrift store shopper. anyone willing? third, i'd like a real show. a real digital camera, a real pc @ the homestead apt. i need to quit my job, either at uoha or cvs and make more money elsewhere and work part time art career. did i say art career? what the hell am i thinking? all i know is that when i am at home i don't feel like doing much right now. i think i may have too much in my apartment too. how about a lobby yard sale. i do remeber a long time ago, someone in my apartment building set up a table downstairs and sold stuff. another time i filled two huge bags full of used clothing and whatnot and took them down to the laundry room. made a big sign and said FREE.

i also wanted to show you the work of hektor. one of those graf artists i found through the wooster collective. again here is one example. a I.D. cover. what do you know?

i do not know if i have anymore to offer today. i am sure that i should make up my mind and not just drift as i feel that i am. honestly for a minute i did not feel so bad. i suppose i should probably take a break from surfing the www and looking at all this beautiful work. jealousy might corrupt this girl heart of mine. or maybe i just know i have the means to do something else. forever i was talking of moving. now the double job thing has taken over that thought. now i'm talking about taking small baby steps. i know getting away is going to help a whole lot at the end of this month, so maybe i shouldn't worry so much about the creative side of things for bit.

oh in answer to k's questions...i do love the partial nude. and you have done a couple, now that you mention it, i remember. i do like the hip/elbow & breast. the back and nape of neck, legs like those cut off from the rest of the body are nice too. i just liked more of the crop in some of yesterday's artist work. sort of how the nude you are working on now, her foot is falling off the canvas. makes a piece for me, bigger than the canvas. but do not get me wrong, no shape or form or color is better in my eyes than these with which you are working on now. thank you for your work you all. the encouragement is wonderful.


hermit style

don't let yourself be overwhelmed by anna's nice pastel painted pieces. big ups, lighter flight, flicker plight! i am so excited by these new ways of looking at things. kate, what do you think of partial nudes? i'd buy, so might a hollis patron. i know i am missing out. i have to miss out right now. and that is totally alright. i keep thinking that i'll find satisfaction in a life balanced between working full time and art-ing full time, but today and even yesterday i feel like quitting the hard 9-5 and pouncing on a studio space, a full time creation station. i'd starve to death, but no more than i am right now. i'd have the time to create large sewn pieces, splatter, quilted cornered effects of observation.

this weekend went well, i was blessed. not to have to work one ounce. not even a smidgen on saturday or sunday. so on saturday i went to my aunt c.'s house to swim in their new, brand spankin new above ground pool. a & l came and we spent around two hours out there. being on an antibiotic i smothered myself in 60+ waterproof baby sunburn lotion. caught a small wink of sun on my cheeks and felt the heat, but survived, so happy to be out there. her home dates around the civil war. remembered the cannon ball and multi-bullets found out there. she's got the beautiful farm yard look. hydrangea, roses, heliborus and the like. a tree swing, compost pile with a pumpkin vine growing out. a halloween treat. my uncle does some handy work for a chinese family in lkt valley. so saturday night we plopped down, i had fried rice and nice little egg role, and a few cream cheese/crab ragoons or however you spell/smell it, hahaha!

sunday i was supposed to meet mc and ethan at calvary, but it was a no go. i did go to the parentals for a very very nice veggie meal per monamieta. yum and thank you. we had a pleasant afternoon. i went home afterward and slept, a long rainy day nap.

i did not do anything creative this weekend, like i should have. i did pick up and apron, potholder or notecard. i drank a whole bunch of coffee, and mocha fusion. i read a bit more of the da vinci code and went to walmart one time.

i like caitlin kuhwald's work, will you be looking at it too? and have you seen what lu has been working on. awh hell this deserves a hi five beautify my shelves. pretty books of wonder.

after today, i am right now a little overwhelmed so i am going to finish up here.