knives, forks & spoons

i started my martha aprons last night. so far so good. they are going to be double faced. with a color on each side, reversible so to speak. but what i really need is a ribbon of some sort. for the loop around the neck and the tie behind the back. i am up for a swap. if you are? you provide the ribbon, which should be at least an inch wide and 3 yards long. and i'll provide you with a finished apron. i'm debating pockets. i am too in love with the design, i do not want anything obstructing it. from dish towel to apron. from my home to yours. as soon as i can i will take photos of the process. i am excited about this, my very first fabric project. i did cut off a dress once while living in california and hemmed the poop out of it, but no sew sense.

in other bside news: no luck with job hunting. do you have an opinion of which is best, career builder or monster? i'm presently working both for me. i will have to take off a day just to do some searching.

oh and for those of you unsure of what the unified field theory is, a.k.a. the theory of everything. i first became interested after reading a beautiful mind. einstein was the promotor of uft, but it seems as of late the scientific world has turned it's cold shoulder. in search of more information i turned to the www. fortunately for me i found a nice site that has nothing to do with the uft. only that nathan shedroff feels it plays a role within design. my call says the utf plays a role in everything. the string theory is just a microscopic look into the uft and that's where einstein's efforts become null and void. i have also seen the wonderful pbs special regarding the uft. for now that is all i have to say about that.

i do not feel that science is necessary in my life to live freely from the confines of monotony. i enjoy the inner working of the minute and beautiful things. in the pbs special with brian greene he expresses that one could stand against a wall for longer than eternity and go through it, but by that time the person would have died and decay setting in would allow the passing of atoms with in atoms to atoms. so i am so certain that barely touches on making coherency, but i enjoy speaking of these sorts of things.

i hope you all have a fantastic weekend. the southeast looks as though the weather will be nice. i am encouraged by the fact that human nature in all of its destruction, continuously moves forward. when the weather is nice the movement is more visible. all sorts of people are out and about. you all should be those people. go out with the fam and enjoy the cool night air.

josiah's gift

look at this precious boy. josiah james knutson is in for a big little sister surprise coming soon. personally i cannot wait and i am not even the one carrying the child. i have always been close to different children at different times, during, after and throughout my babysitting experiences. but man oh man. when you see a young life come into the world it is an entirely different feeling. even though i didn't labor josiah there is a definite closeness i feel toward him. it goes beyond a verbal expression. a memory = an experience.

unified field theory

no link here. sorry. i am really excited about this little project that m. has started. i hope that i get chosen to participate.

i have been playing with i have met some really incredible people. clearly inspirational.

i must apologize for not posting in such a long time. work time should be work time and i often feel badly for playing blog during my lunch even. i have been having really good times. i recently could not handle the atmosphere here @ the workforce and felt i needed a break so i took last friday off. i ended up going to kmart to look for martha's melamine. instead i ended up getting two little summer shirsts. i found some other things for eden that'll have to be a nice little surprise down the road. fun things for new knutson baby. i did get some nice knives, forks, and spoons dish towels that i hope to make kitchen aprons out of or at least an artist smock. we shall see. so far i've not taken any time to be creative. more like cleaning up the apartment. organization of collected things from grandparentals and such. i did finally get the bunches and bunches of knitting needles and a nice box of tiny date stamps from the 1800's. gosh i cannot believe i have these things. passed down from generation to generation.

i have been asking for joy. and i feel i am receiving the ability to look at things in a less negative way. i'll be honest and say that escapism is my second nature. when the going gets tough cat gets going. yuck such an ugly habit and character flaw. well i truly am up for a faith based risk. i am planning to visit nyc and hawaii(again). i also am currently looking for new employment. i have to little ideas for a new job, but we shall see, we shall see. i have to keep all doors open at this point. i'm trying to think about all the things i feel like i've been doing. oh i did go to my favorite place in the world. blueskies. i got a nice little one of these. i also got some of the beautiful stationary by snow&graham. i can't seem to pass up on blueskies.

yesterday i took a sick day and got the city paper and the nytimes. i wish that i had time to sit and read the paper. i'd rather not have to wake up early just to read the paper, but sometime in the middle of the day would be nice. i visited with meine bruder aaron. drank a couple turbo dogs and talked redbank highschool, government education crap, and literature. boy have i got to swallow my pride. boy i have so much to learn and i have so little time.

the unified field theory is on everyone's lips lately. have you noticed?

the newer leaf

awgh. i do not understand the www sometimes. i have a somewhat difficult relationship, love and hate. i had just gotten finished writing all of life's down pours, when i went to add the photo above all hell broke loose and i lost everything. a challenge i have yet to desire. so i am back here at the drawing board.

my skinny

in the process of...

a. catching up on sleep
b. timing a vacation
c. turning over a very new leaf
d. learning html
e. red rover, clean clover
f. wishing i could b.s. my way into progress
g. thinking about the week and wondering if i'll make it
h. leaving this job for the day