the many of my hour

the many of my hour represents most of what i love on a daily basis. my infinite desires and torn complications ring through when it comes to my pure aesthetic. that is what i find to be the most pleasing. aside from what everyone else thinks. my version of existentialism. what i mean is that i have a good reason for liking the beauty in almost anything. my newest intrigue is music, but there are a thousand other things. matthew miller came from the television screen into my mind, something about his music struck me in a different sort of way. i am not sure if it is too religious or that the live versions of his music weren't mixed well on the soundboard. umm. i have only just heard of matisyahu within the week, so you won't catch me saying its the best, but i enjoy mostly all music except for country and i'll be unapologetic about that.

the other thing i have found to be exceptionally pleasing is brevity's photos. the photo below is an example of an extreme mind willing to try anything. the photo idea was inspired by jason salavon. i appreciate the fact that there is abstract photography and that artists are pushing the envelope within that genre. i enjoy photography, but have never taken a class to learn the field well.

i think that i will be missing 'progress.' i am a bit disappointed with myself for not attempting a concept for the all member ava show.

beck has a new album out too did you all know? have a good weekend listening, ears wide open. breath freely. sleep fiercely. eat quality. yum

potholder hint

i just could not do it all this weekend. i had great aspirations but in the end out of town family time became the priority. more of good fridays would be nice. i spent mine wrapping spring presents, catching up on my snailmail, and putting away the craft mumbojumbo. i started out at the grand with so little and now i find my once very bare cabinets filling to the brim. partially because i am now accumulating my grandparentals things and few of my parentals things. i also must must must find a new way of organizing my growing paper supply. i have wanted a filing cabinet for at least three years now but have not felt the force of paper behind my eyes until now. i know i might beable to find a free one on the yahoo local giveaway, but i have nearly forgotten how to get there and now at work it is not a good time to parade my need.

ooo and there was a three hour drowning training tour at the rx. i had absolutely no clue the cds would take that long to get thru. what a blah afternoon friday was. i thought i would have been out of there in an hour. and i'm just part time. i'm not fired up about becoming a manager down the road. but i feel like they've got to prep me for the round robin. at least i got another three hours paid training. better than nuttin.

saturday was most of the same, but the weather turned it's hand, no more of that poker face from mother nature. but i worked. gosh what i am thinking? wait, i know what i'm thinking. i have no choice. unless you know of an idea. we are a society of game show millionaires. i'd like to try my hand at inventing a crossword/scrabble game show. wouldn't that be nice. i tend to think of myself as a genius, but i know that i am not. i think it is a collier thing. for instance, my brother wants to start a second business in addition to the construction one he's got. he needs investors though. unga-bunga, not my cup o beer. i like turbo dog. then there's my monamieta who moves her mom down from the nj state, while going to school and applying for a new job. i don't know if these are real examples of genius, but i know that there is a "i can do anything i want" attitude that permiates the collier minds. yikes, what have i gotten myself into? a question i seem to ask fairly often.

except on saturday evening my cousin from the great north east came down. i thought to extend and invite and she decided to stay with me. we made coffee, a dump cake, sat out on the window ledge in the pouring down rain and spoke until four am. we've never been especially close considering the eight hundred or so miles between, but we happen to be very similar despite the thirteen year age gap.

sunday...there isn't a fulfilling way of expressing myself. the vocabulary void is there to save me from having to explain my feelings about sunday. mostly regarding my faith that often seems too deep within me that it is difficult to try and express much here. i'm not here to save or sacrifice, often my blog is a self centered exploration. i was exhausted from the night before, but i felt an incredible something and that's as far as i can go. sunday afternoon at the parentals was just the warmth and coziness i needed. yum food. homemade thumbprint cookies, an apple coleslaw, and hashbrowns. too much for my shrinking tummy, 'per the biggest loser work contest.'

then it was all over town with ashleigh.

nite time at eleven and a sad monday morning bug.

seven straight

monday morning madness approached me without warning. i was kinda pissed off for a couple hours. now all seems to have quieted and i can post to my hearts content until this afternoon's maddening rushabaloo. i suppose working seven days and now eight straight does not help the mental and emotional capacity. i wish for a nice long nap this afternoon.

my goodness, can you see how adorable this carrysmall is from h. i could not believe it when i opened the box about a month ago. i absolutely love the fabric, which reminds me of the painting in ferris beular's in the chicago museum. i am so bad about remembering the artist and the name of the painting. i'm sure that my friend kate the art historian would know which painting i am thinking of. i had no idea what a pleasure such a small carrysmall would be for me to have. i would love to learn how to make them, if and only if i had the right sort of fabric. i just have not done any sewing lately, due to the new project of making my own versions of quilts, per potholders. i have made a total of four so far, and i've got so much more nylon to go.

i also bought those two balls of yarn a couple weeks ago and with a crocheting hook i am improvising a stitch. but i have no earthly idea how to connect a finished piece with another finished piece. i won't begin knitting until i get my needles from new jersey over easter vaca.

check this stuff out

they are starting a stitch n bitch here around the corner. i am interested but have very little time to enjoy such pleasure right now. i must support the local yarn shop though. if you are up for trade of any sort i'll be happy to look for a specific yarn for you. i also wanted to give a sneak peak of the mini "quilt" pot holders. some of you may see these again via the mail, but they should look a little bit different by the time you get them. i've got a small plan to add the perfect touch. cannot wait to have the next two evenings off from the rx. i have got plenty of things to do.

a. ava member show: progress (progress is the theme: i don't really like all of what the city is doing on the northside, but the hunter art museum addition is absolutely great, quite modern and eagle like in architecture.
b. laundry: 2 loads
c. napping
d. easter/spring package completion
e. finish potholders
f. get photos from new jersey and mural developed
g. finish mural
h. go grocery shopping

and moocho more.

7 hours

i am fortunate to have access to the www tonight. i decided to stop by the parentals for a bit to get some new photos up. about two weeks ago hannah sent me the two books and the carrysmall. i mentioned the wonderful treasures, but felt my photos did not do the carrysmall much justice. i have been carrying it and have gotten amazing compliments. i have not started reading the books, because i am still in the middle of the secret friend. i have got quite a few books on my list. aaron and laurie bought me the davinci code for xmas and i still have not had a chance to pick it up, but i have heard that tom hanks will be starring in the film at some point. i have had a long weekend. i worked on the mural from nine am to two pm on saturday. i am finally finished. i took photos with my thrityfive mm. no digital. i also worked the rx saturday four until nine. then today from noon until seven.

my plans to go to atlanta for the weekend after easter are now concrete. i refuse to work another double day weekend. seven days a week is a bit exhausting. i will probably be back tomorrow afternoon. especially if uoha is not too chaotic. mostly peace goes out to you for the last hours of the weekend time.