angry woebot

the 45 found this great sign that holds a very dear expression. it all started while i was visiting honolulu in may and jas and i were going on and off hickam afb a whole lot. there was a flashing sign that said "carelessness is dangerousness." then jas said that there were a bunch of those sorts of little sayings. like: "if you don't know, don't go.", "if in doubt, don't go out", "loose lips sink ships", "it's cheaper to keep her." so on and so forth. when jas went to the beach the other day, he saw this sign and he took a picture of it for me.

jas actually hurt himself that same day out in the water. he got caught up in a wave and then was pushed into the sharp rocks below. he obviously did not take the signs advice. but he said the near death experience hit home. a chunk of his foot was cut off by a rock and he has been limping around. next time he's in doubt he won't go out.

the 45 also took a few pictures of a graffiti artist he saw the other night, making art in some club. timber 1 and his angry woebots. i like this work quite a bit.

again jas was out and about and he thought to take some great pictures of the honolulu night life as well as the art scene.

this past weekend i went to atlanta to visit with kate and joel and josiah. kate participated in an art festival in cartersville. we had a great time together. it was so good to see josiah again. it seemed to me that kate got some really good feedback from her work. there were actually good artists represented in the festival. fine art work. i saw no collage though. i'm thinking that collage is just one of those mediums that is overlooked and underdone. maybe it isn't really considered fine art. in my experience i'd think of it as fine. but i've always struggled with knowing how collage fits into the rest of the art world. i'll leave you with another couple photos.

trouble in the suez

as much as i would like to beable to i cannot say that i am having a terrific day. my day started nicely with a hot cup of bad ass coffee. and a bowl of oatmeal raisin crisp. the 45 called me on his way home from the club he was playing at last night. it was a pleasant coversation as he was getting lost in chinatown and going through minature lakes. i was just a tiny bit late for work and began what i thought might be an enjoyable workday experience. without going into much detail i had a patient that was upset and rude and i broke down a little bit. i really like the job that i have. i like the detail and the fact that it's such a real life kind of job that any flakyness that i might carry around as an artist balances out in my personality and character. i have a difficult time facing the fact that the healthcare system is in a crisis. the course of work here constantly changes too.


i spoke with my mom last night about all of my project(ed) ideas. the key shall be the sewing machine though. she thought it might be a good birthday gift. i would definitely like that. but i've been wanting to make a book and music list for my birthday list. who knows what's really going to happen. i spend a good amount of time each day looking at my favorite blogs. there's always someone off to the fabric store buying this, that or the other vintage fabric, thrift store t-shirts, yarn, felt, wool, buttons, et cetera. it could all become very overwhelming i suppose, but generally it all makes my world turn just a little bit smoother. i sit at work in the more free moments of the day pondering a life with activities outside of having a nine to five, monday through friday. i have the 45 but he lives so far away that my evenings are spent mostly at home in my apartment alone. that's not a bad thing at all. it leaves plenty of time for sampling my ideas.


the daylight is shorter now. in the morning when i wake up it is still dark outside. the red glow from the street lights give off a false feeling of warmth, but i know the weather outside is going to be turning frightful. i woke up this morning and it was raining. not exactly what i thought was a nice idea for the day. i stayed up late last night reading. i've kinda put the 9/11 commission report aside for now. i'm not as interested in the recommendations even though that's the whole point of the report. i have had the mammoth hunters for sometime now and thought it was time to pick it up. i've read the first two in the trilogy which were were interesting, but i completely lost focus after the second valley of the horses. they really just became predictable, but once i've got a book in my hands i feel i must see the reading of it through.

this past weekend i said goodbye to my friend little sara. she's decided to move back to seattle. while she was here sense moving back in febuary we rarely saw eachother until thursday night she called and said she was moving back and that she's was going to be at lamars to say goodbye to everyone. heroes for horses were playing, but i spent most of my time talking with friends. then on friday night sara and jenny and i met for sushi at "H" for Hiroshi's. after that we went back to lamar's. i ended up talking politics the whole evening with a friend. we surprisingly seemed to agree politically, which is rare amoungst my friends.

on saturday i spent most of the day with my dad. we went to smoore's and emoore's regatta. i had never been to a competition, nor did i know anything about the sport.

that evening i went and saw friday night lights. the movie was just alright for me. my dad really enjoyed it and tim mcgraw was great at being a real jerk in the movie. the times that my dad and i go out are when my mom goes out of town. he and i go out it seems like once a year for a 'father-daughter' date. we go out to eat and then to a movie. my mom and my aunt cathy went up to new jersey to visit with my grandmother. my nana isn't doing so well and they wanted to see if they could help her a little bit. they enjoyed themselves, but the time was somewhat exhausting and emotionally stretching.

i haven't been doing any art lately. i am almost finished with the mission conference poster, but not quite. it's like in two weeks. the committee made it a little harder on me this time. the concept hasn't been as easy to come up with.

dj mini mart

I'm right behind you, don't turn around
I was the one who cut your first song
Get in the backseat and keep your head down
Didn't I shout it all night long?
Now you're a fabled record star
And I'm DJ Mini-Mart
Cause that's where I work

per minus5
down with wilco

the process of giving yourself a dj name has always intrigued and inspired me. i've never once stood behind turntables and peeled the banana with two records, but i certainatly appreciate the naming part. i know a few dj's and their names, i suppose really mean something to their audiences. one of them happens to be the 45 that i refer to some, who also happens to be my man. He prefers 45Revolver to Dj Jahson, but he's often booked under both names.

then there's this guy who rarely spins out anymore, but remains busy making music.

i've come up with a few dj names for myself.

dj rip van winkle
dj dopeattic
dj geebus
dj dj

anyway that's that.

something else i like to do is