
the first seventeen days of this month and of this new year have spilled out in a force. much like a strong soft motion meandering up the sidewalk i recognized it, had planned for it, saw it coming. when the fox theatre let out last night the street filled rapidly with bobbling umbrellas, blinkers and brake lights in a seemingly chaotic congestion. from above it played out like a great musical composition and brought a smile to my face. a happy contented grin. quite a sufficient way of viewing these last two and a half weeks. i can't help but thinking that in someways it's been the very best beginning of a new year, that i've ever had or can actually recollect. i guess we are all feeling a little more fortunate and little more safe and little more confident that we have survived. that the mundane minutes we pass over are really glimmers of great hope.

the past weekend was no less than a grand adventure, same as the week before and the weekend before. each day has given motion to the next and it feels delightful. like eating, like sleeping and waking, like painting or singing. or it could simply be that i've been invigorated by getting out of town, peeking in on the lives of other people. i saw a city through the eyes of two of my favorite people in the world. together we successfully found new furniture, framed artwork, met new people, got stuck in the mud, escaped the mud, nearly risked our lives while pumping gasoline, saw a childhood neighborhood, ate lunch for breakfast and took time to take photographs. we dropped artwork off and went to the art show, saw more graffiti in one place than we'd ever seen in our lives, saw da vinci's sketches and without really knowing it, saw atlanta through portman's eyes. what a joy it all was.

it all happened so fast these last seventeen days. on january first i spontaneously decided to give myself the assignment of taking a photo a day; i think it's going to really help me remember and sort through all the details, the small glimmering bits and pieces i might otherwise miss. feel free to keep up with my comings and goings throughout two thousand ten, by seeing my year.

to top things off i have indeed created the list to beat all lists; i'm still working on it but it will appear. it is my thirty something things to do before i turn thirty five. i cannot seem to be able to narrow it all down. it will happen, just like tomorrow.