oh nine::read list

oh ten promises many a list, this list, my oh nine::read list includes all of the books i managed to read in the last year. a good portion of the year i read the book clubs requested reading, regardless of whether or not i could attend the discussion, i read. my reading has never reflected a primary interest or subject although i have become more interested in the biographies. it may be of interest that i reread one of my books this year (can you guess which one?), which i never do. and i cannot remember the last time i read a book sitting up, my reading time is usually before i sleep, underneath blankets, between the hours of eleven and twelve. in no particular order i give you my oh nine::read list;

'the kristin lavransdatter' trilogy written by sigrid undset

'the golden apples' written by eudora welty

'naked' written by david sedaris

'what is the what' by dave eggers

'animal, vegetable, miracle' written by barbara kingsolver

'benjamin franklin' written by walter isaacson

'my stroke of insight' written by jill bolte taylor, PhD

'the yiddish policemen's union' written by michael chabon

'crime and punishment' written by fyodor dostoyevsky

'the odyssey' by homer

'the brothers k' written by david james duncan

'mornings on horseback' written by david mccullough

currently reading 'theodore rex' written by edmund morris

and for added interest; my next, plan to read, 'walking on water - reflections on faith and art' written by madeleine l'engle. my parents gave this book to me for my birthday; inside was this inscription:
dec. 23, 2009

to our dear daughter cathy on her 34th birthday from dad and mom

may your artistic expression bring your soul great joy as you reflect the image of the sovereign artist, jesus christ, from whom all things were created. we love you.

so it's january two of twenty ten; i am excited! there's much to do but that, after all is what a good many lists are for.