::apartment living::silhouette&shadow

the collected evidence is in. the findings in this case have been recorded, the proof is in the photos. the facts are faultless. i am not a photographer. i am an artist. i am different than a photographer, but the same because we are both artists. i never was, what i'd call a photographer and this is not a sad truth but rather something i have actually known for a very long time about myself.

the happy truth is that i love my little digital camera, it is just right, just enough for me. it gets the job done and fills whatever creative gap i feel in my daily comings and goings. don't get me wrong, i'm often tempted by the polaroid, the manual or the newest and badest nikon on the shelf. really though, i am perfectly satisfied, couldn't be happier. i'm still capturing the light, the silhouettes, the shadows and i'm addicted. seriously addicted but not like i am to making art or twirling my hair when it's soft or to chewing gum. it's a easy addiction that doesn't really require a whole lot from me in the end.

i also, often think that my artwork looks better in photographs, my apartment looks cleaner and brighter, really nice autumn light or morning light looks more real than real in photographs, sometimes. maybe it's the automatic manipulation that an image taken through the lens goes through that's addictive or fascinating. like i said, i'm definitely not a pro, it's not my number 1 passion but it is wonderful and fills me with good stuff. i love seeing lines revealed and disappearing in silhouettes and shadows, it's a simple as that. it comes down to line(s) and the positive//negative space principles, you know?

so...day 3. can i do this? it may mean i take a whole bunch of really so-so photos or it could mean i take myself back to the beginning and begin again. reinvestigate my photo taking history and see what i can see. who knows?