wip::cool like fire::&::apartment living::supply storage

so i started ::cool like fire:: before clothesline and am now wrapping it up, putting the last few touches on it before it goes into my etsy shop. i feel consistently inspired to create and paint trees. this time i shot a series of polaroids around and about the city and used them as the base for the "underpainting". from a technical perspective it worked out really well. there are visible seams but not enough to compromise the piece itself. instead the lines enhance and give a layer of texture. the triangle pattern is something i have been wanting to incorporate for a really long time. it only seemed fitting in a wintery snow scape, in which trees are bare and starkly mimic the triangle shape. i see how it could be perceived as being over simplified here, it's flat, i get that, but like i said i am still giving it a little more time, before the final sealant coating. i am excited to hear what people have to say about this piece. i know it's hard to say, without seeing it in person.
in the mean time. part of my apartment living also becomes my studio space, my supply storage. i intentionally moved into a larger apartment so that i could continue making art in my place without it barging in. part of what has made creating in the same space that i live in, which in itself is not all that uncommon, has been keeping things simple. less is more. over the years i have bought less and recycled more. the other key aspect of living and working in the same space is having storage that is accessible and workable. this family hand me down, wardrobe piece has made organization a breeze. i have got a few drawers for the smaller items, like ink pads, ribbon, stickers, envelopes and cards. i've used milk crates for my magazines and have kept my paper collection spruced down to two bins. there are cigar boxes for thread and needle, tins for buttons, smaller boxes//bins for vintage photos and vintage christmas tags, and small holiday decorations, like my halloween mailorder banner. one day i'll incorporate some cork on the doors as a means to display my inspiration(s). for now i'm all about some thumbtacks. i hope this is all i will ever need. recently i accepted an invitation from a friend to hit up a craft supply swap at our local leo handmade gallery. i dropped off a bag full of unused scrapbook paper, pipe cleaner, stamps, and paintbrushes. ah! it felt good to leave it behind. really good!

i'd love to see your supply storage ideas, it's my sneaky way of getting more ideas, as if there aren't a million and one ways to organize in the first place. and if you need a supply storage fix, check out more of my treehouse::apartment living:: photos!

until next time.