::saving genevieve::& number 500

with two very well baked (twice baked) pumpkin pies checked off the list and laundry drying i can now relax, catch up with the thanksgiving parts of this day. i just completed my last piece (most likely) for holiday in st. elmo, ::saving genevieve::, a 15"x15" mixed media collage on gallery stretched canvas, paper backed and ready to hang. the title of this jellyfish tree piece is a tribute to the long ago small children's book i once collaborated on with a friend. where a fish named ferris mistakes a bright yellow balloon, genevieve, as the sun and accidentally pulls her down into the ocean with him. i cannot help but remember the painstaking hours practicing drawing the perfect balloon shape and now the shape has morphed into a jellyfish. it seems i've been drawing these shapes for a long time.

with a day to go until h.i.s.e, i've got a packed out list of things to do to get ready. thankfully i'm still not stressed, except for the reports of possible rain on saturday. we're just going to have to bite the bullet, i know most have been through worse, outdoor festivals are almost always an adventure. i am terribly excited, to say the least, to be showing with kk, to have this opportunity.

and today, this post just happens to be # 500! i would never have thought this milestone might've been possible. i guess because as i look back on years of blogging, the numbers didn't matter, i only loved the process of expressing myself here. and most give up, fizzle out, at least here you can see how much things have changed in my life. it is rather embarrassing at times, something hilarious in the way i used to get so passionate about certain things. i have oft changed my focus over the last four years and now phantomcrimes feels more like a showcase and less like a forum or pedestal. thank goodness i came around to having some sense. there have been some memorable moments, too many to count.

in one short week i'll be changing the scene again, posting might be sporadic for a bit, until i get settled into my new place. i have really no idea what to expect. next weekend, i'll just have to take things as they come, accordingly, i'll be showing a piece at the MAINX24 Artist Showcase and attempting to unpack, hit a couple of key events and decorate for christmas. by no means do i see impossibility. maybe just a little more heavy sighing and thanks-giving to and for all of the happy art buyers, happy moving helpers, happy hot beverages and spice cookies! i am hinting around here, aren't i? nonetheless the sun is shining, certain my clothes are well done, and a dog show is about to begin. have a super day! be back asap.