in the way

that flickr and etsy got in my way this weekend is certainly a serious understatement. i barely moved except to eat a couple poptarts, shuffle clean and dirty clothing, or shower and dress to spend time with the family. i actually accomplished exactly what i expected to insofar as getting every single piece of new artwork, expect for one, added to sell on etsy. and well um, flickr is always irresistible. i know that i have got to begin the process of creating new work, different work for the upcoming clothesline show in september and for art.ama.jig in july and i'm just putting it off. i'm putting it off in order to make work available here online. my etsy shop has been fully updated and you may now peruse at your leisure. it is to your advantage, some prices have been lowered. i also have an over abundance of the newest paper quilt series cards, so i've put them together in a 8 card set for sixteen bucks. what do you think? i know many of you expressed interest in seeing my work again, after having not gotten a close enough look at the clothesline and by all means i'd like to make that possible, but it isn't going to work for me to set up "appointments" at this time. i really think i ought to hang the leftover work at fitness together as i always have and if you're interested it's there and fairly open to the public. it's strange or something, i know.

i am just not sure how to go about making time for everything i need to accomplish. after meeting with the clothesline board members tonight, we began setting the serious dates and invitations to apply are going out next week, 13 weeks until september 5, 6, and 7. yipes! i really really really stressed out before the may show and i still don't think i've recovered. i am up for the challenge though and think this go around i'll have some learning and growing under my belt. honestly i could become the slug and enjoy the mattress and pillownest i make and the piles of books i have on my nightynite stand. in the depths of me i feel contentment and assuredness. there is peace.