forgive in order

it has been a dreadfully long time since i have blogged, i almost cannot believe i am back. making a slow comeback. wading through a whole lot of life changing sorts of things. i have made the physical transistion from the doctor's office to collier construction and all is good, i mean, good in a way that has yet to sink in completely. only because i'm regaining a level of self confidence that i believe got lost in the doctor office atmosphere. i say that only because my true god given gifts weren't exactly used to their full capacity at uoha, not by anyone's fault, just the nature of work and working outside of the home. the doctor's office absolutely prepared me for making a change, no doubt, the medical billing software was incredibly complex and medical oncology billing was even more of a daily challenge. so. moving on.

on one very exciting note, i did receive my macbook and have been extremely pleased. it has it's complications, but mainly because i've never used a mac. last night i actually deleted all of my photos, but not before transferring the majority on to flickr. waff!

i also have completed all of my paper quilts for the publishing deal, three old ones, five new ones, now i can finally begin working on some new things. awwwhh! and boy do i have some fresh ideas up my sleave. i've got wood grain contact paper!

and next up on the big o' list of things to do, is clothesline. we've got our dates nailed down, so now all i've got to do is get those applications set. i should have more time on my plate as well as "at home" wireless www, so i'll have those things cranked out and sent via the postal service before christmas. i hope to update the clothesline blog soon too!

obviously life hasn't stopped here. i am continuing this journey with a little bit more humpf! you know? i am recovering some joy and learning to trust, trust for the first times{s} in my life. stressful moments aren't taking control of me as much, i'm learning how to respond and compass my emotions in healthier ways. it's good, seriously.

i'm looking forward to the christmas holidays, maybe i won't have the bonus from uoha, but i'll have a new level of strength and faith and i'll have to resort to some fantastic financial and artist creativity. over the thanksgiving holidays i began to experiment with baking vegan style. i used a martha stewart piecrust recipe for the pumpkin pies and left out the real butter. i also made or adapted angry chicken's banana bread in a vegan delight, yummy! so healthy good. i really think i can start baking some incredible stuff. yes. i don't think i'll make my favorite spice cookies veganstyle though, unga.

take care folks and have a good weekend. are you glad i'm back?