one farewell

woohoo! i have been dying to break the news! this morning i broke the news to my boss at uoha that i would be rendering my resignation and that my last day would be november ninth. it has all happened quite quickly that i've not had much time to process it all. but to put it bluntly i'm leaving my job as a medical onoclogy billing and insurance specialist to become an adminstrative assistant at collier construction.

i have wanted to work for my brother's company for a least a couple of years and this week just happened to be the time. the time where all of the little things and big things kind of just fell right into place, people discussed, people defended and interjected their opinions, ideas changed and position grew and then one day wahlah-i have got myself a new and improved job. it is a huge career move, a massive affirmation, and by all means just the right fit all the way around. it is a blessing and without a doubt a dream, more come true than i'm really ready to acknowledge, i think, at this point. once i begin my work with collier construction i think i'll feel incredibly confident and less anxious, right now i'm a ball of nerves, just waiting to implode.

it might explain my previous post, the all is in transistion sort of speech, looking for a laptop, the need for highspeed at home, to further and progress in the paper quilt publishing project and whatnot. no more of this personal work on the internet while at work business. i honestly must see this portion of my life come to a close, afterall it's a wearntear world. i also wanted to thank katie and erin for their rich words of wisdom. i'm in the midst of searching and researching, clearing and reclearing my mind. honestly i really like the whole idea of the refurbished macbook and can see myself heading in that direction, i understand and want frugality in my life, there might be a compromise here and i think affordability and brand spanking newish feeling is acheivable. whadayasay? i'll keep you updated on my computer findings process.

i know this is crazy but you know i'm headed down to destin flordia in about a week and i'm curious...where would one find a cartop carrier? i mean rent one to put luggage in? anyway let me know if you've got any ideas. we don't want to spend a ton of moolah on renting a big suburban, so...

have a great weekend folks!*