meekend of the deal

i must be as lucky as they come because my weekend was one of those you wish would last forever. most of the time, weekends are the part of the week you'd wish would last forever but this one was super fine. all of the sudden, this valley began it's autumnal season and the temps fell, the air crisped and we're all happy people again. on saturday i rushed to do a couple of loads of laundry. then at two i went to a baby shower for my sister in law and her son caleb. it was an afternoon like no other, i think partially because we've grown to love caleb from afar and to see the love and support from so many was incredibly overwhelming. too, the weather enveloped us in its gloriousness. the light, the breeze, a garden full of dusty miller, horses:brown and white, lulling fields and lines of pear trees. it could have brought a tear but all were smiles and never mind there's no time for tears.
one of the gifts given to mary for caleb was boygirlparty's susie g. gorgeous book, my family my journey. when i saw i immediately, couldn't help myself from squeeling out for joy. book was specifically created for adoptive families, i'm thinking how special is that. and the illustrations are to die for! almost like little lickable trees!

on sunday i ended up ironing every single piece of clothing i own, couldn't believe that i even ventured to do so. i think it almost took me four hours but i'm sure to have fresh ironed clothes for at least a week.

i finished all things clotheline financial which is a huge relief. and began on organizing my thoughts and focusing in on my next project, the coral castles album art. i thought i just kick around some drawing styles and or fonts. below is just the very first idea, later last night after playing a little tennis i drew two more in addition and think i've got my creative flow flowing once again. i would love to stick with my television trees, but really have no desire to play them out. i also think color is going to make or break this work and black and white isn't giving me much to go on. at this point i don't see why i won't beable to finish up by my deadline, fast approaching.

i also went ahead and bought a bunch more canvas and will be creating more paper quilts. keep your eyes pealed.***gotta get back to work work, you know how that goes, right?***

i should be updating my etsy shop with cards and anyone going to buy my paper quilt cards or should i just gift them? just joking.