a peace of the green

late last week i finished up the second drawing, in my paper quilt collage series. i really labored the idea of drawing a fish once again. afterall it feels like all i've drawn in the last years are birds and fish and fish well, they're a bit more complicated. i ended up feeling fairly content with this little guy and the outcome.

i have had one bit of critisism toward my next drawing on the red paper quilt collage. my tentative idea is to draw a robot, but i'm stuck stuck stuck on things like round head, square head, round mouth, square mouth, neck or no neck. it's a hassle right now drawing stupid dribbly drawings. i so rarely practice before starting a drawing, i hate warming up and would much rather jump into the drawing project than deliberate the impending doom. i have thought about doing a butterfly/dragonfly or a mushroom, but i'm not as 100% behind these ideas, so...

i made it through my seven day straight. work to the brink. i still have my soul and a good attitude. nothing more or less. very happy to be on the other side of a dull moment. switching gears, and having a pile to give away is nice. i've got a pit growing in my stomach, a sort of exciting seed, saying that i might should prepare to move but that is all. no word of resigning a lease. so strange...