when you rock

i know that i have not completely recovered from saturday july 29 because every day has been a hard day since. it may actually have more to do with working saturday from 8:30am until 4:40pm then driving to atlanta to see ryan adams, staying out until 3am and then driving back to chatt to work from 12-6pm. it may have to do with the fact that yesterday was august one and the day before that was july thirty one and the ends and beginnings of months are the most difficult time for me at uoha. money and charges must all be complete. you know accounting type things that can be stressful. i love my job the majority of time but precertifications have changed with some of patients and i'm just a boggle-minded person right now.

the concert was really nice. at the tabernacle and loud. i took like two hundred shots and deleted one hundred and fifty shots i think. i mostly love all kinds of music, except for well um country. ryan is down right rock n roll though.

i took a whole lot of photos using that continuous shot feature and came up with some decent pics. i cannot remember the last show i went out of town for...saw jairus's farewell show at lamar's several months ago, but the drinking scene is a little too...well there's a local down in atlanta and we met up with chris and ann. fairly nice and well loud again. nothing is new. just wanted to pop in. i'll post more when i've got more time and betta spirits.