muted mutt-ation

"these are the dogs." i did a veer search for "dog stamps" and came up with this...not exactly what i might find aesthetically pleasing, but what the hay! with the weekend off i managed to get some of my postcard work done. i found four german dog stamps in my stamp stash and i'm incorporating them into a quilt-like inspired collage in color themes. i probably shouldn't use the old stamps, but i've gotten the impression they aren't worth much anymore, no longer a demand for old stamps...anyone know?

i am hoping to do four collages, finished the majority on number 1-orange and blue. started number 2-green and red. the others 3 and 4 will be blue and yellow and brown and blue. i'm doing the collage much like last years postcards, quilt style, because i'm so impressed with hillary and lisa's style-form, color and fabric choices. i have always appreciated a excellant paper find and have been accumulating a fair variety. i'd like to incorporate a sewing element in the cards, but i really don't like the unfinished look of my past experimentations.

last night was my first ever 'stampin up' club meeting. i felt it went fair enough considering i am not a stampin up nor scrapbooking kind ah gal. just a major collage/painting artist who wants to incorporate some ideas-merge the two. for instance the rub-on letters are just too cool. just wish they came to hobby lobby in more colors...we made three projects and i ordered two stamp sets. my ideas with the stamps are: a. gifts b. um maybe personal use? c. problem-i just don't want to supplement the stamp for my very own drawing skillz, afterall i am dj catskillz.

i have a decent week to look forward to. every sunday that i get to go to calvary, i feel my week has the potential to being so much better. a little more communion with my god you know? i caught the first (verse) of the next book and the new series power of perspective. i already feel the benefits of being there this past sunday. i appreciate even this little bit of pastor frank's words. see below, relating almost entirely to my practical life. i was writing hannah the other day and realized how amazingly amazing all of my circumstances really are. i live in a prime location, i have a successful career(s), my family is near, my eyes are widening, artistic endeavors growing-soaring. and frank said this past week that as believers we aren't to look for solution to our problems, we should change our perspective. wow!!! i am excited about fresh perspective and forgetting about bondage to solutions. hell my art can be a place to find solutions, not my faith, not my walk with my heavenly father.

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a situation or place and
thought, “what am I doing here”? Maybe it’s in the middle of a family crisis or
a difficult situation at work? Perhaps you even find yourself living in a place
you had not anticipated at all and you wonder what the meaning is in it all. The
children of Israel found themselves on the verge of Babylonian captivity. They
knew the meaning of it then, they were being disciplined for constant rebellion
to God. But before they go off to Babylon, the prophet Jeremiah gives them this
word from God: “And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive; for in its peace, you will have peace.” (Jeremiah 29:7) Amazing, even in the midst of discipline the very presence of God’s people would be the cause of peace for the city of Babylon! Regardless of where we find ourselves and why…we can be those who bring peace! Paul said to his like-minded friend Timothy: Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Be one who brings peace this new year! Pray for our city! Its peace will be ours!