real is love

ah these last days weren't exactly a weekend. i spent the majority of my waking moments working at the ole rx. woohoo. i am thankful to have tonight off, but it is back to it, tuesday, wednesday, friday, and saturday. i am missing some great times, a couple of people have been disappointed by my inabilities to participate. i feel badly but really my priority is this second job. i am not working because i want to, i am doing it because i have to.

i did not even feel motivated to work on any fine project-O's. no music room drawings or "trades" for h. i've decided that tonight is project night. if nothing happens, if i'm not filled with motivation tonight i'm going to have to rush around mad, before the end of the week catches up with me. i've gotten plenty of ideas. i bought martha stewart's GOOD THINGS organizational mag along with another pulpy crossword mag. i also got some sorta cute buttons for ninety nine cents @ the rx yesterday. whooo knew i'd find a treasure chest of goodies? there is no lack of ideas, it's a keeping my eyes open thing.

on sunday morning with c.o. i saw cristo&jean-claude. their beautiful creation. i don't care to say so, but seeing the gates unfurled brought forth a swell amount of tearful joy. i appreciate what they've done there and i want so badly to mimic their maximum efforts and progress throughout the years. did you know, their bdays are both on april thirteenth? how hum...don't you think? her hair matches the color of the blowing sheets of saffron. i've always wanted to do something that would stop the traffic. stop the world. i had this crazy idea and mentioned it to my monamieta this afternoon...wouldn't it be nice to take a greyhound from new jersey to central park one day next week? i'd go there snap a few photos, drink a beer, say hello to matt, jerah, erin and benanna and then sierra nevada, off i go again. just a small day trip, nothing too extravagant, but my nana might need help. i am going to see my mommom and poppop, they might not know it yet, but i'm going to see where they live. i've never actually been there before. oohh brother.