jettison nova

oh i've missed being here. the days and nights have been of a one thing or another sort. friday evening with my family ended up being absolutely wonderful. we went to the canyon girll for dinner. i had crab cakes, garlic mashed potatos, and green beans. we each brought a bottle of wine i stuck with my favorite [yellow tail]. we ate and spoke of day to day sort of things, but it was a pleasant evening weather wise and the trees on the mountain have begun to change. it's often i forget about this time of year and can't believe my eyes when all of the reds, yellows and oranges start to pop. the mountain becomes a firey mound. then we went back to ethan and mary's home for a special dessert from rembrandt's, my mom's favorite italian creme cake. yum. we sat around and i thought to pray for my parentals, considering the fact that god has blessed me with their example. their marriage of thirty years is more than i could ever ask for and it seems to get better as the years go by. even my parents say so. they have had major struggles, but in the last five years they have grown enormously. i even see how they are different towards me. i wanted to thank god for their union and their commitment to him. i wanted to pray for their future. they still have a quite a few years left and there may be difficult things ahead. but they have endured a nay-saying society. we asked them all sorts of questions, which they freely answered without much hesitation. although my mom gets fairly embarassed. but i thought it was so cool that m.c. opened up her home for our little celebration and aaron and laurie went and bought the art we gave them. overall the evening went off without a hitch. horray parentals!!!

on saturday i babysat from 9am-1pm for the alexanders. four children ranging in age three months to eight years. my fingernails and toenails got a full color paint job. pure red. we mostly watched television. i couldn't go outside because luke was sleeping and then needed to be fed. but i did fix popcorn and let noey soak it with butter to the point where it was totally soggy and disgusting to eat. when i was finished babysitting i met x coworker at the pickle barrel for lunch. i got a half pitcher of amberbock. yum. then we went over to frazier avenue and shopped at river city apparel and blueskies. after that i was exhausted and had to take nap until babysitting at 8pm to midnight. oh brother. sunday was a little church. sunday evening was mural and then monday begins the work day all over again. i finished the painting of josiah knutson, but i won't have an updated photo quite yet. i have a plan though and you'll know if the scheme actually comes to fruition.

i'm pretty excited about what the 45 has been doing. he was able to get business cards too. djing in honolulu has just really taken off for him out there. he was supposed to start at united airlines on november 14, but he was actually offered an additional job, ref-in'/umpiring for the rec teams on hickam afb. believe it or not i would rather him not work the united job. it starts out third shift and he'd have to give up djing. i also thought that the second job on base is right up his alley. there is a whole host of reasons in the end, but we talked about it and i think he feels the same way that i do. for some reason the gym/rec jobs really seem like the wisest, most practical and realistic careers. i feel like it is better to be consistent than anything else including the moolah situation. i was really going through a rough patch thinking about my relationship with jas. now i feel like god has relieved me of some of the burden. i typically have control, fear, and anger issues that play a role in my conflict with jas. but i have been learning to let go and trust god for the direction in the relationship. i continue to feel the holy spirit's work in my life. the seed has burst and is sprouting up through the soil to the sun.

look at this beautiful bird from veer.