
i had an event-filled weekend that ended too soon. just to let you know, i may never have any pictures and i may never link you to anything really special. i had spent several hours last week relearning photoshop and produced five or six flyers. i'm not able to put them up for you to look at, at this point because as i've mentioned before i have no www access. i'm not really that interested in paying for it either. at least not right now. i know that photoshop must really be old news for some of you, but i've never been interested in making art on the computer. i'm interested in what other people are making with design/art software though. i've always concentrated on making my work look as though it has been created on the computer. i've had people comment on the fact that it looks as though i've cut and pasted it literally. usually my response has been well yeah, duh, i did cut and paste and there are real bits of paper, not just one color print of something i put together in a program. for along time i was making weekly trips to kinko's to do color copy manipulations. i would work on a piece and then take it down there and basically set up my own little studio in the facility. shrinking, enlarging, and using transparencies. kinko's wore my pocket out though. now it's card board and old wrapping paper and lots o' origami paper. things that don't cost too much. i've checked into the national collage society and some of the art festivals in honolulu.