::holiday handmade::

hi guys! long time, uh? well, i should have known i'd be too busy and less interested in blogging than making more art. it's been non stop around these parts lately. lots of fun! lots of late nights, lots of great conversations, acquainting and reacquainting. so next stop; holiday handmade this coming saturday 121109 from 10 until 8; at gannon art center; we're bringing the arts and crafts back to you, just in the nick of time. so come on, you know you want to, bring yourself and a pal and come see what we've got in store. i'll have 12 total-completed works of art for sale, plus paper quilt gift cards in packets of 8 for only $20. in every spare moment of my time i've been working on a new piece but just can't seem to wrap it up quickly enough. it has involved an incredible amount of paper cutting, that's about my only excuse. i've got some wip images, i'll attempt to post up after the busy weekend. also keep a close eye out for upcoming last minute phantomcrimes art sale. many of you have mentioned wanting to make a purchase this year, send me your email address and i'll let you know when and how to go about purchasing during sale before christmas! thanks, all. and good night.

::summer dregs~gold to green::

::summer dregs~gold to green::
cd release party::installation and art by sarah c. nichols and myself on saturday november 7, 2009

it was one of the most inspiring fulfilling experiences. thank you carl cadwell, sarah, (n)fm, grant and to summer dregs for the best album of the year. the community is a beautiful ever changing momentum. the heartbeat of my life is in the integration of the arts>music&visual. yes.yes.yes.

::i.o.u - popcorn cake recipe::

i wasn't paying attention until now; it's the ninth inning. i am finished painting for the night, discovering yet, that i've got a ways to go. painting may take the longest. i am definitely not about to begin counting the hours. so.

popcorn cake recipe:

1. i make a pot of popcorn the regular way on top of the stove. i've used microwave popcorn before but it's not as tasty, too buttery and salty.

2. in a second larger soup pot, i used the largest bag of off brand big marshmallows and melted them on very very low heat. be patient here, they're easy to brown and burn. it's not worth putting the mallows into the microwave, they'll just get huge and take up too much space.

3. once marshmallows are completely melted, thoroughly stir in handfuls of popcorn. if you'd like to sift through and find all unpopped kernels, feel free. if bitten into the kernels tend to hurt the teeth. there is no need to keep the stove on, just keep large pot on the hot eye, that way ingredients remain pliable. i used almost an entire large bag of m&m's and a large container of salted peanuts.

4. i do butter a 9"x12" cake pan, lightly and then dump the entire pot of mixed ingredients. with a wooden spoon evenly spread cake into the pan.

it's identical to rice crispy treats only for some reason, just a little more halloweenish. i have made the same with cheerios instead of popcorn and as i mentioned in yesterday's post, you may decide to try a healthier rendition by using sunflower seeds, raisins or craisins, maybe try peanut butter too.

philadelphia wins!