goodbye andrew

most thankful for:

andrew wyeth



mothership wit


fine lines


knee socks

indoor plant life



tissue paper

155 safe and sound


fingerless mittens


new music

book club




rabbit ears

salvation army


a new day

saving up

there has not been much room lately for blogging.  on the other hand there's been plenty of other activity and a tad more sunlight.  the natural kind.  the kind i like even when the temperatures are freezing frigid.  since the holidays, life has slowed into a pleasant pace and settling in has felt better than making art.  last night i began two new pieces.  i feel like i am saving up the moments, storing up feelings and ideas.  before moving i kept thinking about my new place and what it would be like and now it's here and i live in it.  it is hard to adjust and make a place to create in this new place.  i feel no need to have space outside of my place to create art but it's awkward, trying to figure it out.  i have plenty of space, it's just the trying to coordinate the space in a way that works well for me between the comings and goings and gatherings.  i received an ikea gift card from the guys at the office for christmas, which is so nice, but after perusing online, i'm not so sure, what it is i want to go for.  shelves or tables or rugs or storage or what.  i think i'll figure it out, there's no urgency.  aside from all of this and that.  all is well.  and soon hopefully soon i'll have something new to show for this great pause.   

a little more::to do

i have just a couple more things to get done before i begin making art again. the day after christmas i took a little trip to insyde outsyde with my mom and aunt. my mom found this great little tray cart practically brand new, for only ten bucks. we went to the knitting mills and i found a bright green tiny square hassock too but, i haven't got a good image of it to show. it has come in quite handy, taking down the higher placed christmas decor. i finished writing all of my thank you letters last night and have just a tiny stack of stuff to sort through before i will actually feel like oh nine has begun. for instance; getting a new calendar and address book for one.

the weather has been slightly crumby the last few days. just this dreary overcastness i love only it's been like five days in a row. it happens to be great weather for exercise though, i'm finding out. not too hot, not to cool and a constant fine mist, is just
what the new year ordered. i suppose.

the holidays went by so quickly, i welcomed the rest and relaxation after a more stressful close to the year. i look around and can barely believe i have moved and that i'm making a new home for myself. it has been nice to have the family come up and friends out to break it all in and make it feel a little more comfy home. what else is there to say, as of yet, i'm not up to making any resolutions, at least not until i have a better view of the year via a desk calendar. got any suggestions? it seems to be all that's on my mind lately.

.:merry christmas eve:.

hi people!  just a quicky here.  yesterday i celebrated my 33rd birthday.  i had a full day and for a very brief but delightful moment the sun came out.  i had to jump and get my camera and shoot a few.  the shadows were magnificent.  oh the western sun.  i love it!  as i was leaving to meet my folks for dinner i got stuck in my apartment building elevator.  that's not happened to me before.  i had no idea what i should do.  there is, you know, a fire department button and a 24 hour elevator help line button.  i decided to push the help line button.  i was "rescued" with in 25 minutes or so.  i thought surely i would be in the box for hours.  to make matters just a little worse my cell phone battery was dying quickly and well i wasn't sure if help did not come, i'd have communications with the outside world.  ha!  needless to say i am completely fine.  excellent, really.  just another little adventure.  today i've been wrapping gifts and making secret paper presents for a little niece and nephew.  i'm expecting to get a visitor here in a minute.  a last minute art shopper.  can not believe it!  i'll be back tomorrow most likely.  until then have a very merry christmas eve.  peace and love.

in celebration

if words are not enough or rather i haven't got the vocabulary abilities to describe how a shiny bright cold day can fill and lift my spirits, than i am clearly and utterly without. there is power in the audible, a worship of sound and light that can be so. i am so impatient and cannot believe how little weight i feel. the roads are bumpy and i despise the potholes and have to negotiate with rainy grey days but the darker and deeper and harder they are the more glittery, eye splitting a day like this one is. uh-uh! i press on. to celebrate the beginning. the hope. i want to paint today. probably will break it all out, all at once.

last evening, we celebrated my "33". oh and if you can only imagine. everything is about to change and the more the better. i love my new music. i love my clementines and "S" cookies. i love the warmest socks and the quiet of my new apartment. i love finding what lies beneath and turning itself over in my head. today it all feels good. to throw off the old ways. i'd rather dance. i love a good vacation. and a good internal celebration of all the crazy external feels good. there is room here for you. celebrate with me.