counting down

last weekend my treehouse apartment looked and felt rather overwhelming. i took ten bags of "giveaway" stuff to the salvation army, which alone helped me with the flooding affects of stuff. i still have about three weeks to go here but, i think the countdown can begin. the only things i have left to pack are clothing, dishes, and the art supplies i'll need for upcoming shows.

last night after work i went to bed at 6:30 p.m. and slept until my alarm went off this morning at 7:00 a.m. i did wake at around 4 a.m. and ate some tuna, did a crossword puzzle and then slept again. with me, this nervous energy had to be slept off. today is going to be a little different. i am going to paint and begin the process of packing dishes. i dread the glass, and thankfully have little of it to worry about. most of my dish ware is of the melmine or melmac sort. the plastic colorful kind you might have had when you were a kid.

i have got to be at home this morning, the maintenance men are coming back to finish off patching the drywall in my ceiling. i was hoping they'd wait until i moved out but i cannot be completely selfish about this process. i've been so fortunate up until now, with provision after provision, there is little or no complaint. i'm working hard to prevent negativity from entering into my thoughts, it is so tempting but alas, celebration is in order, the brand new southside flats await.

coffee is brewing, going to get myself another cup. have a nice weekend, i'll be back with new art works by the end of the weekend.

favorite & thinking

this time of year is undeniably my favorite part. i must say it every year to reassure myself or spread the autumn gospel truth. i feel like i have a secret sense and am able to see things that others do not. the light changes and my stomach turns over on to itself, like it used to, when starting back to school in the fall. nervous energy nudges me awake in the morning before it's time as if the day holds a gift yet to be unwrapped. something happens during this time. i like taking more photos and now after a long year of creating a lot of new art work, i am finding new places of comfort with the brush, pen and pencil. coffee and biscuits taste better. caramel apple cupcakes from rembrandt's are no longer too sweet. i remember family fall hikes and mom telling us we oughta walk like indians through the woods. i sing the praises of light, filtered, waning sun.

oh i am nervous about moving. it seems like this place has been my home for so long. i see now how seriously settled in here i have become, even more than i thought. i will not miss the neighbors or the terribly loud street noise. i do not think i'll even miss the view. i think i'll miss the fact that i made it my home after so many years of neglecting home for so long. this place was a refuge, protection needed from stormy thoughts and tidal wave consequences. november holds a few unknowns yet. i'll know more, more towards the end of the month after a couple of art shows. i know these next three weeks are going to be the best, packing, dispersing and then recreating a home. i am glad that the heat of the summer has passed, for that loading and unloading boxes i might not break a sweat.

this morning i posted all new art works in my etsy shop. a total of three pieces for your hemming and hawing pleasure. i have decided "the" sale will be at the end of november. i'll mark whatever is left from showing at HISE down 1/2 price. how's that sound?

have a nice sunday. i'm off now.

::pbn trees::&::speaking to me trees::

apparently the trees keep coming and it does not seem i have done anything to stop them. i am beginning to wonder if i have any control at all, of the forest growing. i find that i still need to learn something in this series and keep finding new ways to layer and describe lines and posture trees against the sky. ::pbn trees:: in the top photo is another small one for holiday in st. elmo. i happen to think someone might like this one, it's soft on the eye and quiet. i keep thinking about how fun it would be to create landscapes in animation. i still wish for a way to get these trees compiled into a nice big cardboard coffee table book. it is going to happen, along with a album of forest growing music. one day.
i had the opportunity to show in AVA's three day all member salon show last weekend and happened to get a shot off of ::speaking to me trees:: this one seems a little neon-y to me, no so sure. i think i look at it this way, all the little squiggly lines are actual parts of the trees and you have to imagine getting glimpses of the branches and leaves through the light. the idea is that the light is flooding out the trees, blinding one's few from seeing the entire tree. i feel like the rocks in this one are pretty nice too, if i can say so myself. i got some pencil in there and went a little crazy. oh well. this one too will be in the tent at hise! i have a couple more 8x10's and then i have been called to create some bigger things...sortof.

these days are quite amazing, every moment seems a little more breath taking than the next. do you feel it too?

::adida trees::completed

not much of a change. it just helped to experiment a little with this one. this week has been packed. i am looking forward to the weekend. i am living in limbo with spirits that are high. last week i sent a formal letter of complaint to the property manager and her superior asking for a little retribution for the major leak in my apartment. i quickly received a response that absolutely blew my mind. a reflection of grace. it never hurts to ask, you know? this evening i was in the middle of baking biscuits and the fire alarm in my building went off. apparently a little lady on the fourth floor left rice on the stove and it burnt, filling the fourth with smoke. i grabbed my bag and cell phone and went downstairs and outside with a hope and prayer. it is still an odd feeling to be able to let everything go in the blink of an eye. i wish letting go of the daily emotional aspects of waking in the dark at the crack of dawn, driving in heavy traffic to work and slowly reacting to things that happen to me and around me, was just as easy as leaving all my material things behind. there are so many little things that remind me of the joy in monotony. it's a common theme among many of us, i know. there is great truth in simplistic beauty. if it's so simple, how come most of us forget? there are great things i miss from just getting in my own way, i see that. no duh! i'm gonna get back to my trees. and leave what ever philosophical discussion i was about to have with myself, alone. i am going to turn in early tonight, i just feel it.