i'm growing impatient

here it is at the end of march and i am seriously growing impatient. about so many different little things. for one i'd like to see my little paper quilt collages pieces again. i took a couple of pics before sending them off on their way over three months ago. i'm not complaining, oh no. just barely remember anything about having worked on the quilts. i have decided to take the two images i have out of hiding and they are now in my paper quilt collage flickr set.
i worked on my finances last night and know i'm down to the wire on taxes. i will be fine, no doubt just feeling a bit crunched all around.

my traveling plans are falling in to place little by little and well um so is clothesline. i'm wrapping up piece number 5. and as soon as i'm finished i'll let you have a sneak peak.

i sold the piece i created for the passages show. can't tell you to who, cuz well that's a secret too. what's up with that?

passage this

Oooo...come out this saturday night to the passages reception closing! there is some nice art and even nicer people and probably a little bit to eat and drink. plus if i haven't seen you in a while it would be great to see you there. i have one piece that i created especially for this show. i have kept the piece slightly underwraps because honestly i never got a good image of it. i was asked to be in the show less than two weeks before it opened and had very little time to complete the piece and get it ready to hang, so no pic, you'll just have to come out and see it in person.

in other news on the bside of things, i have decided i don't have the time to write a grant proposal right now. i am disappointed in some respects but would feel completed dissatisfied if i could not devote myself completely to it, being torn between organizing clothesline and making art work and music. it's all a little too much and i am needing more me time to write and read and watch non violent public television.

i have many emails to send out and many communications to begin and news about a trip i am planning to take in may after the clothesline show but, can't share too much quite yet until fellow travelers and agenda is completed or something along those lines. basically i can't say where i am going or who i am going quite yet. but i'm excited and think a vacation will be fantastic. book club is tonight and i'm a little over half way through the book so we shall see, can't wait for the discussion...
bye for now.

create in me

initially i thought i'd keep my works, in progress and completed a bit of secret. so that when it came to showing at clothesline i could surprise people. like keeping the gender and name of your unborn child a secret until he/she has been delivered. alas the temptation has overwhelmed me and you're seeing this piece. another apart of my forest of trees growing.

i should be up getting the shower. easter is just one day to go to church and whether you believe it. this is a day to be filled up with a little bit more hope than normal. i'm just going to have to rush. i am learning a whole lot about making art and what it means to me. i am learning a whole lot about living and what it means to take care of myself. even though i am in the north, south, east and west i am at least discovering who i am in all of those places. the weeks ahead look to be hectic and i am doubtful and unsure of so much but i trust i will be protected and granted some blessing in all of it. the most recent thought i had in regarding to trying something new in my work...well it is strange. but i thought it would be interesting to get photos of under water ballet swimmers and paint and collage them. ooo. i'm not keeping up with march madness. i am however keeping up with clothesline to the best of my ability. i am keeping up with my art. i am keeping up with the things that hold my heart. laundry will pile and dishes will go unwashed and still i will find peace and assurance.

even though it is cloudy i will probably wear something bright. and more importantly i know that i am going to be with my family. my family. a place.

before and after

okay so yeah i am at work and am not working but it is friday and i feel really caught up, no i mean really caught up. wishing it were another sunny day like yesterday and thinking this weekend's weather is surely going to be as they predict, all the way shoddy.
i miss blogging like crazy and can't believe i continue to find myself so far away from it all. not better off by any means nor less than i was before but stuck in the middle with lukewarm thoughts of every returing full time everyday. it's affording that i hate and also the book club conversation we had last month that conjured up sum sticky feelings about blogging. you know the book of laughter and forgetting by milan kundera? g. alexander made a very good point at book club that's got me kinda flustered. wondering, knowing really i'll never be a writer, never wanted to be a writer, just loved communicating with people far and wide. no real dreams or goals of becoming a world famous blogwriter. do you all happen to remember that corny little show called ghostwriter. it was for kids on like public television, always a mystery. man i loved that show even as a teenager. whatever happened to better television?
last weekend was all about clothesline, this weekend i will have the letters to artists out in the mail. i'm making a big bowl of fruit salad and a new piece of art. those two things are my only plans. it is rest and relaxation for this old girl.
so um the home above is well not mine and that's all i'll say about that. i mean it is one that collier construction is remodeling of course but there again, don't want to give away too much information plus if you want to see more go to here. i love working here, i mean it. finding life to be a little less stressful every new day. take care everyone.

what can be done

the next piece i've got on the coffee table slash studio easel isn't going as well. so i thought i'd show off my favorite part of my most recently finished piece. call it a bad habit. i am confused about how i want to "push the envelope" with the wood grain. it isn't like i've lost ideas, but can't see all of the options quite yet.

i'm watching the local news, thinking about a nap. watching the grey outside makes reading kundera's the book of laughter and forgetting a little more attractive. i've got until wednesday to finish up before next club meet. i really want to post my new paper quilts on etsy but have not got all the images i need, waiting waiting and then more rushing. i know the next piece after the one i'm working on now that i'm not real happy with, will be black and white. color is nice but i was thinking already about how to mix it up a little. i also have got to spend sometime writing a grant proposal. colder weather isn't all that bad, the rain keeps me from walking and from doing the necessary grocery shopping. it's silly but i end up purchasing all of my needs from cvs rx, so cheap after discounts and coupons.

i'm glad i stopped eating beef. and i'm thankful for my job(s). does anyone out there know alot about mac's garageband magical music making program? and well. that's about all. i can't wait until the weather gets a little bit warmer, i can ride my bike again and play tennis too. i'd really like to drink coffee outside in just a sweater. and yes, you're right i'm not articulating anything terribly important or specific, just felt the need to connect.