flea market:beehive tree {revealed!!!}

flash boom bang!!! without further todo, i present this, the flea market:beehive tree. i finally finished it up last night, with some fear of failing, fear of ruining it all with too much, too many dots, too much fuss and fumble. it all came together pretty well and i'm really happy now to be moving on. so much relief. i'm going to take a break from the tree movement for a bit, to pick up cross stitching my mailorder, putting together nina's package, and kristen's package, and well, i want to do a series of six paper quilt collage pieces. i have yet to begin...although i have ideas abrewing.

*now do you remember the bicycle on this piece
and i must say without one doubt that it has been good to take a little break from phantomcrimes. although i couldn't keep from posting a little bit {i cannot resist sufjan stevens any longer}. my addiction to blogging is strange and often prohibits me from reality of sorts. in addition there are so many things i long to express here but would not want to distract from sharing my art. my art brings me so much strength and i'd rather not always run amok with the depravity i often feel about, for one, being very single. awh the words vomit out of my mouth, off the ends of my fingertips. what tragedy and drama-to create is rather satisfying, and contrary to what people do say about artists in general, creating for me doesn't feel as self centered. even though it is a very individual-solo sort of activity. making the kind of art that i do brings me a deep sense of comfort and security unlike anything in my life. i often look at the art i've made and think it holds some kind of mystery that i am not even privy to solve-uncover. as a matter of fact no one has ever taken the time to ask me what i think my art means. so there the mystery lies, i suppose. i have come to call my trees, my growing forest of thought, reflection, relaxation and resolve. i also have loved my phantomcrimes, this familytree represents, i am solo, but a growing family awaits me. my tree spreads, using light, drinking beauty up through it's roots. and so i motion for you to follow me, be inspired, be lifted up, be moved to create. and remember that breaking is important, valuable, and just as satisfying as being creative. rest=contentment=thankfulness=joy.

the spirit of

When the revenant came down
We couldn't imagine what it was
In the spirit of three stars
The alien thing that took its form
Then to Lebanon Oh, God
The flashing at night, the sirens grow and grow
Oh, history involved itself
Mysterious shade that took its form
Or what it was, incarnation
Three stars Delivering signs and
dusting from their eyes

Sufjan Stevens

apple eyes

i have been overwhelmed with a thousand thoughts, tending a garden of ideas and projects, beehive trees, and "must-send" packages. i stumbled last night, pleasantly, in an hour long conversation with my mother. i'm often caught in a spider web of negative thinking, it is impossible to not feel one hundred percent better after blabbing innocently with a best friend like my mom, though. our friendship grows more mutual, more relaxed and positive as the years go by. i am without a doubt more thankful than ever before for mom. her story is different from mine, having had three children at the age of twenty five, never having lived alone as i have, but facing the same struggles. she reminds me of the love i need to share, give and consider. and she is open, transparent, fearless and less insecure. so i have justified, calling her was the best thing i could have done last night.

i wish that i had more to show and tell about. i'm not eager to give as much away at this point (beehive tree) maybe next week i'll show more work in progress. i will be honest i am discouraged about selling art via etsy. i am not complaining though. it is not as though i haven't ever sold my work before, afterall i just made two fifty on "one growth", and my brother and l.c love it. that's not looking a gift horse in the mouth is it? i am open to showing-exhibiting, i just don't have time to nor the quantity of work i'd like to submit. my work is still unifying itself, i'm learning anew. how do other artists actually paint the same thing over and over? i have never been that way and find it hard to stick with my trees. i can say though, that the practice isn't there yet, and i still have joy in the midst of my garden of trees. it is a growing forest.

i think i may take a break from phantomcrimes for a while, not sure yet.

the life of my weekend

saturday morning: 9:11 a.m. before the pickup. took a small daytrip to atlanta (roswell) with jen to the dick blick. happy purchase of gel medium, modpodge, and origami paper.


saturday evening: 7:31 p.m. at the TENshow. highlights included: the large light fixture, graphic design, music by j.d., meeting new friends, seeing my brother at the end.


saturday evening: even later 11:30 p.m. at the pickle barrel: after party. catch up. gathering and reunion. highlights included: seeing old friends, talking with old friends, laughing with old friends. playing with my canon.


sunday morning: early 1:00 a.m. at lamar's: the after after party continues. highlights included: joel's spontaneous dancing, good music, random christmas lights, soft couch, warmth. times with friends.


sunday afternoon: 2:00 p.m. family dinner after time at calvary. highlights included: good vegetarian meal, family love, warm and cozy couch, helpful conversation with suzanne, white kitchen photo opp.

6. WIP