thursday: bnl

yeah yeah yeah! my www world has become quite chaotic as of late and there's no real concrete explaination. i haven't wanted to blog at all but who can resist andrea's second week of color. i apologize to those of you on the receiving end of my postcard swap, nothing has been sent out. i haven't gotten any postcards either, so. i don't think any of you read phantomcrimes anyway, so i'm sorry thin air. my cards are handmade color printed with a nice long message on them from your's truly, so um i suppose the wait will have to be worth. so sorry to be such a snob today. i'm feeling quite how might you say? wishing it were the weekend. i sent my packages off last week sometime and i'm happy that both kate and hannah got theirs. i have sent a package to agnes too but we're still waiting for it to get to poland. i'm excited now, because she knows it's coming her way and just a few hours ago she wasn't aware of the fact that i was sending her something. it's all because of a vintage love swap mishap that has turned into something delightful for all!!!

oh how do you love my up out of the vaults collage for black and white day. i still have this piece
work so hard and cannot seem to get rid of it. oh i know it's not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing collage but well um it's small and mostly colorful. and it is framed...

wednesday: green

what we do and when we're close. when we were children, we'd build dropcloth sheet forts out in the backyard. another day another green, first day of summer. we haven't had rain in over a week the gas in my car is evaporating right out of the tank, just because it sits outside in the hot hot sun. i can't bare the heat and love when fall moves in upon us. summer fun begins whether i like it or not. like a pool party on saturday and gulfshores in july. for the life of me i cannot figure out why on earth my legs have never tanned. i work in an oncology office fully aware of melanoma but it hasn't stopped me from using up my tanning bed visits. i have been going here and there, laying for 15-20 minutes and nothing nothing nothing changes about my ghastly ghost legs. my parents got back from cancun the day before yesterday and my mother was bright, bronze and beautiful. my father well the man is pale. boy do i follow in his little genetic footsteps.

green thoughts as in i wish i had a garden. i do have what i've identified as an orange tree growing in the pot that once held my banana tree. and the day before yesterday matt gave me some moneyplant seeds. while mom was on her trip i watered her gardens and felt the greenthumb pulling me. green thoughts of making and sending out my postcards. i mean i've addressed four of them, but i've got a whole lot on my plate. i'm relaxing. i'm painting a concrete sunflower for amp. and finally i'm getting the most beautiful colored green melmac in the world. details to come. i also have been working on something, just today on the computer, but in my mind prior. that i hope to beable to share with you at some sooner future point. at first it was a "fringe" thought but now it is becoming more of a reality. nothing to huge, not like getting new previa or bringing home a new baby. no waste wednesdays and spt is abandoned for now.

monday: yellow

my yellow house.

yellow teeth

yellow squash

mellow yellow


yellow light yellow sun

red leather yellow leather red leather yellow leather red leather yellow leather red leather yellow leather red leather yellow leather.

love the yellow, is it all that depressing?

my week in color: blue and red 101

"my carpet is an ashtray." there are thoughts and words, and phrases that have just the right amount of letters, syllables, vowels or consanants that they sound ridiculously right. i was miserably unmotivated and so neglected my blue and red. so in my experience with color this week i thought it'd be excusable to combine these very complementary colors. you may ask, what would we do without our blues and reds. it's about the same as aqua blue and brown. the perfect match.

just think we'd be without so much that drives controversy in this country. i mean what do these colors represent? for instance any debates regarding our country's flag, so brightly blue and raging red. wherein southern states consider the rebel flag (it has red and blue in it) to be so very acceptable and prominently placed, causing giant issues that i won't go into nor express an opinion. we have controversy over whether or not our country's red and blue flag should be flown half mass for those men and women who've lost there lives in the last three years of our "winning the war on terrorism." after all soldiers lives have never been so honored in any of the country's previous wars. and what about our country's political hemispheres. we are now are the divided states of blue and red. how wonderful, a color that represents my political affiliation. why aren't they pink and baby blue, i wonder?

it is amazing to me how much a color begins to represent something, our favorite sports teams, our insatiable desire for soft drinks, logos and brands have their own copywrited color. i thought it brillant when starting the week out in white, only because white is the absense of color, that's why i was quick to define it. it's a pure and pigment free, right? here i am at the end of my week in color and i might've actually learned something about myself, others and our views on color.

phillip and katie were too kind to rid me of once my fussball table. i was so proud of it for a short while. because of the color, because it was almost like a piece of art. and because of the very photo like above. and before i was shooting with the dinocam so all was blazing bright. the picture below is a favored one, because my miniature red bicycle. via jen. on to other things because i'm now tired of writing about blue and red. i have no more knowledge of the matter. but i do know this, i received the sweetest package from my dear bestest friend kate yesterday!!! i have to big up it here only because the freezer paper stencil shirt is the ka boom! pic to come!!! thank you sweet girl. sincerely. and for you hannah and agnes my packages have finally left the scenic city and are now heading your way! keep the eyes peeled.

i have to work this weekend so it is no play for me. i hopefully will have fresh batch of pictures come monday. although matt informed me that all my recent pics were erased from my camera, oh well, oops! and thanks for the greatest comments. did i mention that i've got a comment moderation thingy on now, so no more trashtalk! and i've brought my archives back so...

outta here have a good weekend i'll be back on monday i suppose.